nodevel / harbour-defender

Defender is a privacy guard for SailfishOS
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Won't install sfos #9

Open sbridger opened 3 years ago

sbridger commented 3 years ago

Won't install on sfos in storeman. Endless "installing package harbour-defender"

DrYak commented 3 years ago

It is blocked by the blacklist (patterns-sailfish-app-blacklist).

sbridger commented 3 years ago

It is blocked by the blacklist (patterns-sailfish-app-blacklist).

Any idea of how to work around that?

DrYak commented 3 years ago

The blocklist it self is by version number, so as soon as nodevel makes and releases a version 0.4.1 or 0.5 it will accept to install.

The question to be solved is: why did version <= 0.4.0 got banned in the first place? We should ask it into the SFOS forum and see what the official Jolla dev give as an explanation and fix that problem, so upcoming 0.4.1 doesn't get blacklisted, too.

I think I remember that several months ago, I managed to have defender crash (I think: because one of the IP-ban list source doesn't work anymore) which left the hostfile in a broken state that prevented name resolution (and thus made internet access unusable). Maybe that's the bug we need to fix so Jolla dev don't re-blacklist again future versions ?

DrYak commented 3 years ago

bug report filed

DrYak commented 3 years ago

Just to keep the information in sync: it seems that harbour-defender breaks phones which have full encryption activated:

It could stem from /home/nemo/.config/harbour-defender/ being a directory in the .path systemd unit, which in turn is configured as a hard requirement for multi-users target.

Making this work on SFOS would require reorganizing this and moving it to a common directory.

DrYak commented 3 years ago

@nodevel : Are you still interested in maintaining this (i.e.: shall we send pull requests to you ?), or shall we fork it ?