nodezoo / nodezoo-web front end
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npm run build failing #91

Closed keerthivasan-r closed 8 years ago

keerthivasan-r commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have got nodezoo-web forked and got all the i00,i01... branches from upstream and did npm install in each branch and everything worked as expected. I did npm install in the nodezoo-workshop/system directory as well. Everything worked fine. But, when i run npm run build in nodezoo-web directory, it throws the error

npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600 npm ERR! argv "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\ node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "run" "build" npm ERR! node v4.4.3 npm ERR! npm v3.8.6

npm ERR! missing script: build npm ERR! npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at: npm ERR!

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! ..\MyNodezoo\nodezoo-web\npm-debug.log

Here is Package.json for you reference.

{ "name": "nodezoo-web", "version": "5.0.0", "description": "", "main": "app.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "author": "", "license": "MIT", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "homepage": "", "dependencies": { "chairo": "1.1.0", "handlebars": "4.0.5", "hapi": "11.1.2", "inert": "3.2.0", "vision": "4.0.1", "seneca": "", "seneca-msgstats": "", "seneca-mesh": "", "seneca-balance-client": ""

} } I think there is something that has recently changed. My friend could install it a month ago.

Georgette commented 8 years ago

Are you able to update to the latest version? Yours is outdated, and missing scripts.

keerthivasan-r commented 8 years ago

I got forked it - and cloned it to local. Will i be able to

npm run build

in all the branches. i00,i01..i05? npm run build works only in master branch..

Georgette commented 8 years ago

Actually, I apologize as I'm not familiar with the workflow of the workshop. The branches are all missing build scripts so the build won't work (as you already know). I'll see what I can do to help :)

Georgette commented 8 years ago

@keerthivasan-r In the interim, it looks like you can run

node srv/app-dev.js

in the /nodezoo-web directory to just start the server, which is all it needs. We will look into making sure our repo instructions do what they should do according to workshop :)

Georgette commented 8 years ago

@matt-oc Can we put build scripts: node srv/app-dev.js in package.json for branches i00 - i05, and ensure it works as expected?

keerthivasan-r commented 8 years ago

@Georgette I would just try node srv/app-dev.js and let you know. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate :)

keerthivasan-r commented 8 years ago

@Georgette Great, it just run like a charm.Thank you!

matt-oc commented 8 years ago

@Georgette I'll do it now and try it out :)

matt-oc commented 8 years ago

@Georgette All the main seneca deps are being pulled directly from the github account and this gives a pincannon error when trying to use it because of senenca 2.0. Surely it should have the deps explicitly specified in the json file, 0.2 for balance client and 0.5 for mesh for seneca stuff of this age? I don't know how it is working for anyone that just pulls and installs the later branches at the moment. Earlier ones work ok because they don't have these deps.

matt-oc commented 8 years ago

@Georgette @keerthivasan-r The problem here is that the build command is not needed for the i branches, I have made an update to the workshop readme to say as much and I have changed all branches here to make the deps explicit to avoid the problems in my above post

matt-oc commented 8 years ago

@keerthivasan-r feel free to comment if you have any other issues