nodj / AutoDeriv

eclipse plugin that handle the 'derived' state of resources from a textual file.
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Apply to whole workspace #3

Closed efge closed 9 years ago

efge commented 9 years ago


Is there a way to have a workspace-global .derived file? I have a few hundreds of projects and I'd rather not put a .derived file in each of them...

Thanks, Florent

nodj commented 9 years ago

Hi efge, thanks for that suggestion. Seams like a good idea ! I add this to my todo list.

nodj commented 9 years ago

Hi again! It not simple. I have two issues : first, the plug-in can't detect a change at the workspace root (apart from active polling, which I don't like much). One solution would be to parse the global file once, at workspace startup... This way, it would be seamlessly integrated with the rest. I'll try to implement this solution.

efge commented 9 years ago

Yes one scan at Eclipse startup would already provide great benefit. If there was a preference page for AutoDeriv you could have a "rescan" button there, but I guess adding a UI is a bit more complex that what's here for now...

nodj commented 9 years ago

Yep, UI things are for a next version. I also think to decoration. But that's an other story... I'm working on the global .derived, this will work a little better than expected as any operation on the workspace will do the refresh tricks. (You'll still have to make a save operation somewhere... Not perfect...) I'll keep you up to date =)

nodj commented 9 years ago

Hey, After several days, here are some fresh news! First, the global config file is ready in v1.3.0. (cf it is expected at the workspace root. This is not perfect since you don't see the file from the Package view, but it's the best I thought of... (it's name must be the same, '.derived')

The other news: in v1.3.0, basics decoration appears. It is really useful hen you want to try some things with AutoDeriv, if it annoys you, just disable this in eclipse preferences. (search for "deco" in the search bar, you'll find the decoration settings easily)

I close this issue, I hope it's OK for you =)

efge commented 9 years ago

Thanks, you saved my life.

nodj commented 9 years ago

Hey, great to read that ! That's why I love github ^^