nodunayo / speakerline

Showcasing speakers' proposals and timelines in an effort to demystify the CFP process and help new speakers get started.
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No clear indicator in the header re: what page you're currently viewing #564

Open hilarysk opened 1 month ago

hilarysk commented 1 month ago

Obviously the content changes for each page, but I think it would be helpful to highlight the currently active page in the navigation (especially if someone sends you a link to a specific page), e.g.:

Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 11 18 46 AM


Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 11 17 49 AM
nodunayo commented 1 month ago

Yes, that, or maybe emboldened text/text of a different colour? Or your two suggestions above, I prefer the underline!

hilarysk commented 1 month ago

We already change the color for hover, so I think three colors in the nav is maybe too many (though that's just my preference), but here's what bold would look like:

Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 11 54 29 AM

Just let me know which one you like best!

nodunayo commented 1 month ago

I think the underline is best out of all the options? What do you think?

hilarysk commented 1 month ago

Working on this now :)