nodunayo / speakerline

Showcasing speakers' proposals and timelines in an effort to demystify the CFP process and help new speakers get started.
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refactor new/edit proposal views to use a form partial. #565

Closed esmale closed 1 month ago

esmale commented 1 month ago

Also ensures that the tag_list will retain original comma-separation

What does this PR do?

Refactor the new and edit proposal views to use a form partial, so that both views retain the same behavior and basic structure, without having to update both files in the case that something changes. This issue was noticed because the edit view had a bit of functionality that the new view lacked.

Why was this work done? Is there a related Issue?

I found a bug where the tag comma-separation wasn't being retained if a new proposal failed to save.

Where should a reviewer start?

There's a new test added in the proposals_controller_spec.rb file to cover the scenario of a proposal being submitted with too many tags.

Are there any manual testing steps?

The scenario described in the above referenced bug can be re-created by, while on the master branch, attempting to add a proposal with too many (4 or more tags).


Deployment instructions

Database changes

New ENV variables