nodunayo / speakerline

Showcasing speakers' proposals and timelines in an effort to demystify the CFP process and help new speakers get started.
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/admin path crashes because ActiveStorage is not configured #569

Closed abeger closed 1 month ago

abeger commented 1 month ago

Speakerline has no need for ActiveStorage, but RailsAdmin seems to require ActiveStorage. Not sure if this is a Speakerline config issue, a RailsAdmin config issue, or something else.

The actual error message:

RuntimeError in RailsAdmin::MainController#dashboard

Missing Active Storage service name. Specify Active Storage service name for config.active_storage.service in config/environments/development.rb
nodunayo commented 1 month ago

Hmm, yes, I definitely don't want it to be required at all! Are you looking into this right now or do you need me to?

abeger commented 1 month ago

I've (finally) got this figured out. PR coming soon.

nodunayo commented 1 month ago
