noeinan / DoL-World-Expansion-Mod

Fixed Git connection for the World Expansion Mod for easy updating
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Unsafe Sleeping Areas #120

Open noeinan opened 3 years ago

noeinan commented 3 years ago

Let player be homeless.

Req. Either scared of Bailey or have high willpower.

Sleeping areas have additional stat locks based on safety.

Hidden areas only req the above.

Non-hidden areas req the player to have high trauma or fatigue.

Sleeping in unsafe areas has very high chance of waking up to rape.

noeinan commented 3 years ago

Note: Any encounter with police has a chance that they will recognize you as a missing person and return you to the orphanage.


Bus station bench -rape chance by random ppl -rape chance by bus station employee who says they won't tell if you let them -rape chance by police (will return you to orphanage if your allure is low) -chance of abduction -bus station employee wakes you to to say you're not allowed to sleep here -random bus goer wakes you to to see if you're okay -person wakes you up and asks you to move over

Pub counter -rape chance by someone taking you home -bar staff wakes you up telling you you can't sleep here -bar patron wakes you up by groping you (text only, no combat) -bar patron wakes you up asking if they can buy you a drink -bar patron wakes you up asking if you need a ride home -bar patron wakes you up asking if you are sick


Empty Bus at Bus Station -bus driver may find you here in the morning when the bus starts running and call the police

Under Table at School Library -students may find you here after school has started if you don't wake up early enough, rape event

Under the Bridge at Park -rape by random park person -rape by dog person -wake up cuddled by dog -stress -trauma

Foreclosed House (Domus Street) -rape by stray cat person? -wake up cuddled by cat -stress -trauma

Abandoned Building (Elk Street) -rape by delinquent students

noeinan commented 3 years ago

Fangi — Today at 8:34 PM so about unsafe sleeping areas, i had the idea for base game where you can light a campfire around certain places of the town. pretty much homeless camps thatd mark the area as "active" making it so you can sleep there they'd only be available at night in the alleyways, cant be accessed during the day

Fangi — Today at 9:12 PM also apply the same idea to the campfire in the forest