noelportugal / AmazonEchoApi

This is a simple way to login to Amazon and retrieve the unnoficial Echo API
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Open keithfisher123 opened 9 years ago

keithfisher123 commented 9 years ago

I see that it does TODOs. This is cool but it is a bit klunky because you have to say Alexa todo" and then wait to add something to the todo. I changed it to use and then I can just say "Alexa turn on the lights" of course she says she dosent understand but it gets added to the activities collection so we can still parse it and act What do you think?

noelportugal commented 9 years ago

Awesome. Yes, I thought about using the activity API, but as you mention the "wrong" feedback comes back from the Echo. It is more natural to just say the command. I'm hoping for Amazon to hurry up and release a proper API. I'm asking them for url callbacks, where one can configure the "keyword" to POST data to a URL callback.

keithfisher123 commented 9 years ago

While looking at the return json from the activity API I saw an interesting thing. I was testing several commands. "Alexia Turn on the living room lights" Came back with that text as the summary and the DomainType was set to HomeAutomation. So I guess Amazon is working on home automation with the echo..pretty cool.