noflo / noflo-runtime-msgflo

NoFlo runtime for AMQP/MQTT
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connect to noflo ui #201

Closed stvogel closed 6 years ago

stvogel commented 7 years ago

Maybe I'm just to stupid to use this, I have rabbitmq installed and msgflo. I started noflo-runtime-msgflo successfully (at least it tells me "started ..."

How do I now connect my local msgflo-runtime in the (also locally running) noflo-ui? I tried to add a manual runtime and specified "msgflo" as the type.

But noflo-ui always tells me "Runtime not available".

Thanks for any hints

bergie commented 7 years ago

NoFlo runtime for MsgFlo doesn't provide a runtime endpoint. For editing the NoFlo graph you can use noflo-nodejs, and for editing the MsgFlo graph you can run the msgflo command

bergie commented 7 years ago

Setup example

stvogel commented 7 years ago

Hi bergie, thanks for the quick reply and your help. This is all quite confusing. According to your package.json I can now connect to the msgflo-runtime. Yeah :-)

Ok ... but now a myriad of other question arise ... but well I have to dig through some of the spare resources that are there. The docs are a real pita. This could be such a great way to do things, but it's quite frustrating to get it up and running.

bergie commented 7 years ago

Yep, that's the downside of making tools for ourselves first. I hope we'll be able to put some effort in proper getting started documentation and some prepared Docker containers soon. @uwekamper said he'd like to help with that

jonnor commented 6 years ago

Good that you managed to get Flowhub connected to your MsgFlo runtime. Do file issues for other problems you run into, or other questions you may have!

FYI: There now also exists a MsgFlo project template, based on Docker, here: