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graph autolayout testing #53

Closed forresto closed 10 years ago

forresto commented 10 years ago



testing with yed's built-in algorithms on the photobooth graph

photobooth-noflo noflo manual

yed-manual yed manual

yed-organic yed organic

yed-octo yed hierarchical ungrouped, left-to-right, octilinear edge

yed-ortho-grouped yed hierarchical grouped, top-to-bottom, othographic edge

forresto commented 10 years ago

Hierarchical graphs make the most sense. Keeping the hierarchy in one direction (east or south) takes up a little more space than the manual version (which i made east and south), but might be a little easier to follow?

Grouping is a nice feature, I was doing that manually a bit.

Octilinear edges make the graph a little bigger, but I like the look.

My favorite part of yed is the animation when you change the layout.



forresto commented 10 years ago

yeah, grouping is nice

photobooth-octi-ltr l2r

photobooth-octi t2b

d4tocchini commented 10 years ago


forresto commented 10 years ago

"yfiles for html"

(closed source :thumbsdown:)

As a yFiles for HTML licensee, you can use yFiles for HTML in an open source project with the following restrictions:

  • yFiles functionality needs to be encapsulated in a separate module with an interface that is specific for your application and is pretty thin. It is not allowed to create or publish a wrapper component that allows third parties to use your application or the yFiles module as a (partial) replacement of yFiles.
  • Before distributing this yFiles module, you'd need to run it through a shrinker/source code obfuscater that we do ship with yFiles

... So, the equivalent of a closed-source dll. I think we could conform to these requirements, since we just need to pass in a graph and get back the layout. Could be a webworker and a minified version of the algos we need.

forresto commented 10 years ago

There is also , emscriptened from Graphviz.

forresto commented 10 years ago

and force-directed 3d :smile: (algo) (o/t)

forresto commented 10 years ago

this research paper covers the bases:

If the input is an arbitrary directed graph, the main phases of the algorithm are the following.

  1. Cycle removal: Break directed cycles by reversing some edges, while keeping the number of reversed edges as low as possible. In the final drawing the reversed edges are restored again, so that they point against the predominant direction of flow.
  2. Layer assignment: Create a minimal set of layers L1; : : : ; Lk and assign a layer to each vertex such that for all edges (u; v) the assigned layers Li of u and Lj of v satisfy i < j. This is possible because after the first phase the graph is acyclic. Another way of expressing this problem is that of finding a topological numbering t for which max t(V ) is minimal.
  3. Crossing reduction: Find an ordering of the vertices of each layer that minimizes the number of edge crossings.
  4. Determine exact positions of all vertices inside their corresponding layers. The vertices must not overlap each other, the ordering from the previous phase must be respected and the position of each vertex must be well-balanced with respect to its neighbors. We will call this crosswise placement.
  5. Edge routing: Determine bend points for each edge and the exact distance between subsequent layers, which we will call lengthwise placement.

2014 paper from same folks:

The actual .java code:

forresto commented 10 years ago

dagre seems like a good starting place. They might be working on grouping:

Will ask about ports

forresto commented 10 years ago

@franchi82's research paper's algos have been developed in KIELER Layout Algorithms

Some documentation is available here:

"KLay Layered" supports several kinds of port constraints. See it in action here:

I like the inline collapsing of groups / subgraphs.


automata commented 10 years ago

Here at Physics Dept. we are used to Gephi to do graph and complex network visualizations. It has a nice collection of layouts:

NetworkX (Python) and JSNetworkX (a JS port) also have interesting layouts that could be util:

forresto commented 10 years ago

It looks like those are force-directed, which seem less suited for dataflow, since dataflow graphs are inherently directional.

KIELER / KLay Layered seems the most promising open option now. Maybe plugging their port constraint algos into dagre. Dagre seems like a good foundation for the rest of the constraints.

forresto commented 10 years ago

Current plan of action: See if KLay works for us with:

automata commented 10 years ago

First tests using KIELER/KLay service.

Original noflo graph:

captura de tela 2014-01-08 as 17 06 16

Using KIELER/Klay layered algorithm (direction: TOP-DOWN):

captura de tela 2014-01-08 as 17 05 32

Using KIELER/Klay layered algorithm (direction: LEFT-RIGHT):

captura de tela 2014-01-08 as 17 06 50

automata commented 10 years ago

Prototyping at

We really need to specify groups as well pointed in before applying layout algorithms. They should deal with group creation as pointed by @forresto. Otherwise:

captura de tela 2014-01-10 as 15 37 38

automata commented 10 years ago

The supported layout options for KIELER/Klay Layered algorithm:

Better explained at

automata commented 10 years ago

Now we can tweak some KIELER/Klay Layered parameters at


Some important parameters/properties I'm discovering from KIELER Java implementation of Klay Layered algo:

automata commented 10 years ago

Ports (constraint) are now considered by the KIELER/Klay service. Yielding a better layout:

captura de tela 2014-01-10 as 23 01 32

Next step: groups/layers.

automata commented 10 years ago

We have groups (converted to KIELER KGraph's subgraphs):

captura de tela 2014-01-11 as 02 18 50

Lots of lost space. I think we should add more groups in this 'photobooth graph' to really take advantage of the autolayout algorithm.

forresto commented 10 years ago

That doesn't seem right... I'd think that they would end up in one layer, sorted like this:

screen shot 2014-01-11 at 1 02 04 pm

Is there a mechanism to indicate whether a group is collapsed or expanded? Or do you just send a pruned graph?

The rest is looking good. I'll add grouping UI next, or you can try by hand from this image.

spoenemann commented 10 years ago

The edges that cross group boundaries are not considered unless the option "de.cau.cs.kieler.layoutHierarchy" is set to "true" for the top-level node (LayoutOptions.LAYOUT_HIERARCHY). However, the grouped layouts won't look as good as those from yFiles, since we are using a much simpler method for hierarchical layout, leading to a lot of unnecessary crossings.

automata commented 10 years ago

@franchi82 thank you for the tip, it seems better now (is that edge crossing expected?):

captura de tela 2014-01-11 as 13 04 46

Do we have to specify the group node's edges/port appropriately @franchi82? As pointed here in the third example:

  id: "root",  // root node
  children: [{
    id: "n1",  // node n1
    labels: [ { text: "n1" } ],
    // node n1 has fixed port constraints
    properties: {de.cau.cs.kieler.portConstraints: "FIXED_SIDE"},
    width: 100, 
    height: 100,
    ports: [{
      id: "p1",
      width: 10,
      height: 10,
      // port p1 should be located on the north side
      properties: {de.cau.cs.kieler.portSide: "NORTH"}
    id: "n2",  // node n2
    labels: [ { text: "n2" } ],
    properties: {de.cau.cs.kieler.portConstraints: "FIXED_SIDE"},
    width: 100,
    height: 50,
    ports: [{
      id: "p2",
      width: 10,
      height: 10,
      properties: {de.cau.cs.kieler.portSide: "SOUTH"}
  // children end
  edges: [{
    id: "e1",  // edge n1 -> n2
    source: "n1",
    target: "n2",
    sourcePort: "p1", // p1 -> p2
    targetPort: "p2"
automata commented 10 years ago

@forresto I don't know if there is some way to collapse the groups. Maybe we can force that setting "de.cau.cs.kieler.layoutHierarchy" to false? Yes, I'll try to specify more groups, thank you for the ref.

spoenemann commented 10 years ago

@automata the group itself does not require any ports if the layoutHierarchy option is active. Ports should be declared for the end points of connections. I recommend setting "de.cau.cs.kieler.portConstraints" to FIXED_ORDER for each node that has connections, and declaring both the "de.cau.cs.kieler.portSide" and "de.cau.cs.kieler.portIndex" options for each port. The latter must be set to an integer value such that the ports of a node are indexed in clockwise order, i.e. first east-side ports top-down, then west-side ports bottom-up. Alternatively to these two port options you can give each port a specific position relative to the node's top left corner and set "de.cau.cs.kieler.portConstraints" to FIXED_POS.

automata commented 10 years ago

@franchi82 thank you for all these valuable suggestions! Using LONGEST_PATH as nodeLayering results in a really nice layout now:

captura de tela 2014-01-16 as 09 02 21

I'll try to implement FIXED_POS port constraint next.

bergie commented 10 years ago

Here is a complex graph from the NoFlo-based window manager @djdeath is building. Good test for the autolayout:

As you can see, this demonstrates why we really need to implement edge routing:

screenshot 2014-01-30 at 16 36 04

(visualized using which is a snapshot of the work from @automata)

The same graph using the dagre algorithm in the graph editor by @alfa256:


automata commented 10 years ago

It is really an interesting example, thank you @bergie. I'm attaching a zoom-out version of the graph to make it easy to compare with dagre algorithm: it is interesting to see similarities between the two approaches.

captura de tela 2014-01-30 as 13 54 30

KLay implements edge routing (I imagine @franchi82 can explain it better to us) but we do not have the bending points already implemented on our prototype. I agree we should go for it ASAP.

automata commented 10 years ago

Thanks to the help from an amazing team behind KIELER/KLay (Ulf, Florian, Chris, @franchi82) we have the JS binding to KLay (KlayGWT) working with our prototype.

It is not totally done (e.g. groups are not working yet). However, it layouts fast our example graph (each time the UI values change, the layout algorithm is applied to the entire graph again):


automata commented 10 years ago

Updated noflo/visualize to use KlayGWT, forked on Without group support we have the following layout for the test FBP:

captura de tela 2014-02-13 as 16 32 48

bergie commented 10 years ago

@automata I'm getting these errors occasionally

screenshot 2014-03-02 at 23 35 45

bergie commented 10 years ago

@automata it seems GWT is not compatible with Chrome Packaged Apps:

screenshot 2014-03-04 at 22 56 30

We need to rebuild Klay with GWT 2.5.1

automata commented 10 years ago

Reported to Klay responsible Ulf Rueegg. I'll try to generate a build myself.

I have to investigate the TypeError, maybe it is related with the absence of klayinit() call.

automata commented 10 years ago

@bergie Ulf informed that Klay is already built using GWT 2.6.0. He is inspecting the use of document.write() by Klay.

automata commented 10 years ago

@bergie Ulf updated Klay using a different linker. I updated klay-js Bower component. Can you please rebuild noflo-ui using klay-js 0.0.2? It should solve the problem.

bergie commented 10 years ago

@automata that caused a new problem:

screenshot 2014-03-05 at 00 54 22

automata commented 10 years ago

@bergie I updated klay-js (v0.0.3) with the last changes from Ulf, can you please try again? If it doesn't work, I can reproduce it myself.

bergie commented 10 years ago

@automata still the same error

automata commented 10 years ago

@bergie can you confirm the error using klay-js 005?

forresto commented 10 years ago

Looks much better when I put the stray nodes in group:

before screen shot 2014-03-06 at 6 50 20 pm

after screen shot 2014-03-06 at 7 03 18 pm

Points to a bug or weakness of KLay: groups occupy a whole layer, pushing the singles far out.

I think it isn't a showstopper. Within groups, layout looks quite good. In this kind of situation, encouraging more groups = more code comments (map legends).

KLay issue

automata commented 10 years ago

Other issues of interest on KLayJS:

automata commented 10 years ago

Got autolayout working for Chrome Packaged Apps with a workaround: we should copy the NNNN.cache.jsand clear.cache.gif files to the same directory of app.html. There's a warning about the use of eval by GWT but it works, as described. Should we consider to use it again?

forresto commented 10 years ago

Another center of graph layout research at monash:

@automata experimented with webcola (physical constraints); doesn't seem like an improvement: captura de tela 2014-03-13 as 23 16 53

bergie commented 10 years ago

Implementing the circular Flux pattern shows that we clearly need edge routing.

Views ---> (actions) ----> Dispatcher ---> (registered callback) ---> Stores -------+
Ʌ                                                                                   |
|                                                                                   V
+-- (Controller-Views "change" event handlers) ---- (Stores emit "change" events) --+

Now it looks quite messy with the edge transmitting events from React to the NoFlo dispatcher:

screenshot 2014-05-24 at 05 42 36

forresto commented 10 years ago

Shorter loopbacks look better. I could tweak the edge drawing to use the distance to influence the control points.

forresto commented 10 years ago

screen shot 2014-05-25 at 2 21 24 pm

bergie commented 10 years ago

@forresto that already makes it somewhat clearer to look at, but it would really be great if edges "avoided" other nodes

screenshot 2014-05-26 at 23 25 56

Can of course be made to look a bit clearer by slight graph reorg:

screenshot 2014-05-26 at 23 31 16

automata commented 10 years ago

With klay-js 0.0.8 we have some improvements on edge crossing on situations like:

captura de tela 2014-05-27 as 22 40 51

... now we have:

captura de tela 2014-05-28 as 11 32 43

The following is a comparative between the old auto layout (top row) and the new one (bottom row) using our example graphs:


However, in loopback cases we still need improvements:


We should expect more improvement with ORTHOGONAL edge crossing (we are using POLYLINE now):

captura de tela 2014-05-27 as 23 57 41

But as well noted by @forresto we couldn't use snap-to-grid anymore because of the fixed position of bending points on edges.

bergie commented 10 years ago

@automata great! Would be awesome to get the config right for the looping connections too. And would be nice to add a little bit of space between groups so they don't overlap

paulyoung commented 10 years ago

Came across this and wanted to share in case there was anything useful involved:

forresto commented 10 years ago

One thing nice from that demo is the animation. I'm going to revisit that once I move the-graph from SVG to canvas.

paulyoung commented 10 years ago

Fixed broken link in my comment.