noi-techpark / bdp-core

Open Data Hub / Timeseries Core
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As a Open Data Hub maintainer I want a quota to limit the amount of historical data that can be requested in a single call #261

Open dulvui opened 1 year ago

dulvui commented 1 year ago

To prevent big queries that slow down or even bring our Mobility API down a quota that limits requests for more than a give time frame should receive a quota message, like we have for max requests per second. To be fast, the implementation should be made to first introduce the limit and then implement the logic to allow bigger requests to certain users. So we implement the easy limit fast and the more complicated logic only if its really needed.

TODO: @sseppi organize a dedicated meeting in the whole team, to discuss if this limits have any benefits or only through backs:

clezag commented 1 year ago

Implementation has already been done. What's left is to define the actual time ranges and how to move into production (communication to clients etc.)

clezag commented 1 year ago

Before defining any policies, we will first analyze the API logs and figure out which kinds of users are currently making historical data requests, and which ranges they request

clezag commented 1 year ago

Limits have been disabled in test (can be configured by setting corresponding env variables in CI/CD)

clezag commented 2 months ago

Decisions made on 11.04.2024:

We will start with a quota limit of

According to the lo statistics, there seems to be only one elaboration type 3rd party application that is expected to be impacted immediately by this quota (parking prediction by Chris Mair).