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This repository contains the sourcecode of the administration web-app that allows to manage the beacon network installed withing the Beacon Suedtirol project.
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As a Beacon Manager I want that the infromation of the beacon are regularly updated in order to show the right content during the event of the 24th and 25th September. #40

Closed sseppi closed 4 years ago

sseppi commented 5 years ago

The API backend should regularly syncronize with the following spreadsheet

Actually the syncronization seems not work since the new information updated in the spreadsheed aren't shown by the Beacon API.

For example the API for the beacon with ID = QOPvgN returns the following GPS coordinates 46.5035208, 11.3504809 and in the spreadhseet the coordinates are 46.5036700, 11.3502610.

bertolla commented 5 years ago

Checked log files and found this:

2019-09-20 06:34:42.978 ERROR 12243 --- [-8080-exec-9021]  : Forwarding to error page from request [/v1/infos/eddystone/6c0fa7c155ab] due to exception [query did not return a unique result: 2; nested exception is javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2]

I've checked db and it really seems to be a duplicated key:

beacon=> select instance_id,count(*) from info group by instance_id order by count(*) desc;

 instance_id  | count 
 6c0fa7c155ab |     2
 86ab625487e9 |     1
 54ab923bff7b |     1
 d5d7d08ebecc |     1
 8c07407c7b81 |     1
 e7d36bb3468e |     1

@raiffeisennet I would suggest to make the column unique to avoid this behaviour in the future. Does somebody know how this happened and how we can avoid this?

bertolla commented 5 years ago

By checking the log file further I also found this Error msg:

2019-09-20 04:26:21.627  INFO 12243 --- [   scheduling-1] i.b.b.a.s.i.InfoReplicationTask          : Starting sheet import...
2019-09-20 04:26:25.672 ERROR 12243 --- [   scheduling-1] i.b.b.a.s.i.InfoReplicationTask          : An unexcpected error occurred: For input string: "ZoneID"
bertolla commented 5 years ago

More infos about the duplicate entry:

   id   |       created_at        |       updated_at        |      address       |  cap  | latitude  | location | longitude | floor | instance_id  | major | minor |           name           |      namespace       |                 uuid                 |                      website                       
 TnpUot | 2019-03-21 08:12:10.84  | 2019-03-21 08:12:10.84  | Hans-Feur-Straße 4 | 39040 | 46.341854 | Tramin   | 11.240533 |       | 6c0fa7c155ab | 38961 | 24138 | Weingut A. von Elzenbaum | 6a84c7166a63bd873dd9 | 6a84c716-0f2a-1ce9-f210-6a63bd873dd9 |
 e6yG5M | 2019-03-21 08:12:06.786 | 2019-09-09 16:21:47.455 |                    |       |         0 |          |         0 |       | 6c0fa7c155ab | 38961 | 24138 | TRA0009 FREI             | 6a84c7166a63bd873dd9 | 6a84c716-0f2a-1ce9-f210-6a63bd873dd9 | 
(2 rows)
sseppi commented 4 years ago

Hi Patrick, i seems that @raiffeisennet during the installation changed a broken beacon and during the change something went wrong.

@raiffeisennet can you solve the problem together with @bertolla till monday afternoon?

raiffeisennet commented 4 years ago

By checking the log file further I also found this Error msg:

2019-09-20 04:26:21.627  INFO 12243 --- [   scheduling-1] i.b.b.a.s.i.InfoReplicationTask          : Starting sheet import...
2019-09-20 04:26:25.672 ERROR 12243 --- [   scheduling-1] i.b.b.a.s.i.InfoReplicationTask          : An unexcpected error occurred: For input string: "ZoneID"

Removed unused, empty, unparseable table sheets "Tabellenblatt 14" and "Tabellenblatt 15" from google sheet.

raiffeisennet commented 4 years ago

More infos about the duplicate entry:

   id   |       created_at        |       updated_at        |      address       |  cap  | latitude  | location | longitude | floor | instance_id  | major | minor |           name           |      namespace       |                 uuid                 |                      website                       
 TnpUot | 2019-03-21 08:12:10.84  | 2019-03-21 08:12:10.84  | Hans-Feur-Straße 4 | 39040 | 46.341854 | Tramin   | 11.240533 |       | 6c0fa7c155ab | 38961 | 24138 | Weingut A. von Elzenbaum | 6a84c7166a63bd873dd9 | 6a84c716-0f2a-1ce9-f210-6a63bd873dd9 |
 e6yG5M | 2019-03-21 08:12:06.786 | 2019-09-09 16:21:47.455 |                    |       |         0 |          |         0 |       | 6c0fa7c155ab | 38961 | 24138 | TRA0009 FREI             | 6a84c7166a63bd873dd9 | 6a84c716-0f2a-1ce9-f210-6a63bd873dd9 | 
(2 rows)

Please remove the entry from beacon_data and info db tables where the beacon id is TnpUot, this should resolve the problem for now. I will advise our installation team to not duplicate major/minor and instanceId on beacon replacement.

bertolla commented 4 years ago

Ok done, I also had to delete the row from table order_data (foreign key)

bertolla commented 4 years ago

@sseppi Last sync at half past 12 still gave

2019-09-23 10:27:18.318  INFO 12243 --- [   scheduling-1] i.b.b.a.s.i.InfoReplicationTask          : Starting sheet import...
2019-09-23 10:27:18.868 ERROR 12243 --- [   scheduling-1] i.b.b.a.s.i.InfoReplicationTask          : An unexcpected error occurred: For input string: "ZoneID"

Is the sync working for you as intended? Furthermore at 13:53 also this happened:

2019-09-23 11:53:10.385 ERROR 12243 --- [-8080-exec-9248]  : Forwarding to error page from request [/v1/admin/beacons/qaebc5/images] due to exception [Failed to parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$IOFileUploadException: Processing of multipart/form-data request failed.]

Do you want to open a new issue?

sseppi commented 4 years ago

Nope, the import didn't worked as expected. The API still returns the wrong data.

@raiffeisennet did it worked in your development environment? Can you chek why this is still not working?

raiffeisennet commented 4 years ago

Could you retry please? I fixed the first sheet, named "Zones"

bertolla commented 4 years ago

I did so, the error is gone and when Stefano S. confirms successfull sync I will close this issue