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As a databrowser visitor i want there to be consistency in the obligatory fields symbols #303

Closed d3liaa closed 1 year ago

d3liaa commented 1 year ago

The presence of an obligatory field in the edit view is made aware to the usare with an * in the section menu, but within said section the obligatory field is marked with a red dot. I would like to be one or the other.

There is also a bug in mobile mode: The red dot is not visible and it is not clear which field is obligatory.

I would also like to suggest that the tool button should always be visible/ open to have immediately visible the leggend that says what the * stands for as it is not immediately clear in my opinion.

sseppi commented 1 year ago

@pkritzinger and @Mazzolintis can you please provide us a feedback on which is the best way to go, so that we can then implement the right solution?

gappc commented 1 year ago

@sseppi we (@pkritzinger and @d3liaa) discussed this topic yesterday, the proposal of Paul was to add the "*" behind the title of oligatory (=requred) fields. The red dot will be removed.

If this is ok with everyone, I'll implement the fix.

sseppi commented 1 year ago

OK, fine for me.

gappc commented 1 year ago

@d3liaa, @sseppi: obligatory fields are now shown with "*" behind them, e.g.

@sseppi: Delia mentioned in this issue that in her opinion the toolbox in the EditView should be open by default. At the moment, the toolbox is configured as follow:

Should we change that behavior? If so, should we open a dedicated issue to discuss how it should work?

pkritzinger commented 1 year ago

@gappc from my point of view no new issue/ discussion is necessary :)

I would open the toolbox on the EditView per default as well, leading to consistency between the different views (Detail, Raw, Edit). We will not have such a Toolbox on the QuickView.

If you, @sseppi , @d3liaa should have another opinion, I'm open to continue the discussion ;)

sseppi commented 1 year ago

@gappc Since I see the feedback of @d3liaa as the feedback from a real user, who sees the Data Browser nearly from the first time I would go for trying the open toolbosx per default in the EditView.

gappc commented 1 year ago

@pkritzinger, @sseppi: yes we can open the toolbox by default in edit view. Please be aware that it is NOT possible to open / close the toolbox in DetailView and RawView at the moment.

Do you want to have this same behavior for the EditView, or should we allow the toolbox in Detail-, Raw- and EditView to be closed / opened?

pkritzinger commented 1 year ago

@gappc from my point of view it would be elegant to allow the user to close the toolbox. this can be especially helpful in case of small laptop screens to assure that there is enough width for content.

@sseppi do you agree?

sseppi commented 1 year ago

@gappc @pkritzinger fine for me the last proposal of Paul

gappc commented 1 year ago

@pkritzinger, @sseppi: I see it the same way. I let you know when the changes are ready to be reviewed.

gappc commented 1 year ago

@sseppi @pkritzinger, @d3liaa: the changes are ready, see the example links below:

pkritzinger commented 1 year ago

@gappc nice, thanks, issue can be closed from my point of view.