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As an opendatahub developer i want to have a configurable Component in the databrowser v2 that is reusable and resolves a lot of Edge cases in the tourism api #316

Open RudiThoeni opened 1 year ago

RudiThoeni commented 1 year ago

As discussed here all informations about a General Configurable Component in the Databrowser V2 for Displaying and selecting data from a ODH URL

the component is part of an edit view of a single record. Instead of making a component for each use case, we could implement a configurable generic Component which could be used on many fields....

This are the required functionalities

This config allows to deal with almost all edge cases we currently have in the tourism api.

This component could be reused with his own config for Related Highlights, Related Content, Webcams Assignments, etc... also on already implemented Lists like it could be reused. Everywhere the data is available from an api.

Goal is to have a reusable component for future requirements like this to only add the data on Backend side Data Model, and on databrowser side to reuse this component with an appropriate configuration.


We agreed to omit complex object writing. The Component only writes the KEY to the actual Json.
We agreed to To investigate, how often is complex object writing (Related Content, Webcams, .....) needed

gappc commented 1 year ago

Hi @RudiThoeni, thank you for this suggestion, it provides a lot of information and acceptance criteria that help to shape the component, i like it :+1:

fyi: there is already a similar component in place, the InputReferenceCell, that covers the use cases you mentioned. At the moment, it supports single values only and not complex objects or JSONs. We should have a refinement meeting where we further detail out how the final component should behave and then we see if / how we could modify the InputReferenceCell to meet the requirements.

@RudiThoeni, @sseppi: what do you say?

sseppi commented 1 year ago

@gappc Thank you for your valuable feedback! As next steps of this activity I see:

  1. Have an internal meeting to discuss and finalize the behaviour of the components internally also with Patrick
  2. Have a meeting also with you to define how implement the solution we identified
sseppi commented 1 year ago

@gappc today we reviewed the issue and we need now to plan it. Shall we organize a short dedicated meeting? If yes, can you send me your availabilities?

gappc commented 1 year ago

@sseppi yes, please send me your and @RudiThoeni availability.

RudiThoeni commented 1 year ago

Hi @gappc

I had a deeper look and investigated on the Data where the called "complex" object writing is needed, where it can be recreated on the backend, where it can be eliminated etc... Here some examples

I identified two use case (RelatedContent, Tags) where some complex object writing is needed. Maybe we should have a short meeting on how we could manage this

To clarify

gappc commented 1 year ago

@RudiThoeni yeah, lets discuss this in a meeting 👍

sseppi commented 1 year ago

OK, @gappc I'll send you proposals for a meeting in a dedicated email.

I add another consideration from my side. In my point of view, in the future, it could be nice to have the possibility to assign related contents to all datasets and from all dataset in the Open Data Hub. So maybe in the future STA could add related content coming from different sources to their Charging station or Dolomiti Superski add related content coming from different sources to their lifts.

This means that we have to identify a generic solution that allows us to create relations between all Records present in the Open Data Hub.

RudiThoeni commented 1 year ago

We have this possibilities


  1. Specific Component for each Use Case (Related Content Component, Webcam Component, AccoRooms Component)
  2. Generic Component configurable for each Use case

How should the data passed to ODH

  1. We use the Self Link and shift the logic of complex object writing on the backend side (backend loads data x and fills the rest) Performance vs Data Quality etc
  2. We use the current implemented complete Object Writing of ODH
sseppi commented 6 months ago

@RudiThoeni do you think we still need to implement this component, or with the last updates did we solved the problem?