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Fix menu overlay #398

Closed henri-egger closed 1 year ago

henri-egger commented 1 year ago

While testing the databrowser i noticed that there was a (mainly) visual bug when opening the menu whilst in a dataset view. The backdrop doesn't cover the toolbox and parts of the language picker as seen here:


This also allows the user to interact with these parts of the ui while having the menu open.

The glitch is caused by the toolbox and the language picker having a higher z-index than the menu backdrop, that being 30, i fixed it by increasing the backdrops z-index to 40. Even though 30 would have been enough, i think it's clearer this way.

Raising the backdrops z-index doesn't seem to cause any other problems, so here the PR for the fix.

gappc commented 1 year ago

@henri-egger thank you for bringing up this topic. I noticed another z-index problem (language picker visible in mobile on opened menu, see screenshot below).

Given that the menu will change due to #204 I suggest to put the work on this PR on hold until it is clear what the new design will look like. Then we need to look into the z-index stuff in detail (maybe you have some time to help out?). At the moment the used z-index are a bit of a mess due to my sloppiness ;)


henri-egger commented 1 year ago

Again, no problem, I think however that you can close this PR as the issues will be fixed anyways.

I will see if I can implement some kind of centralized solution for z-index constants, since that will probably be useful later anyways.

Also, not on topic with this PR, but will the /dataset-overview page also recieve a rework? If not I may try finding a solution to virtualize the large list there for optimization purposes.

gappc commented 1 year ago

@henri-egger yes, the /dataset-overview pages will be adapted together with the new design. Keep an eye on the issues list, maybe there is something interesting for you to work on.