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As an Open data hub Manager I want that the eCharging Dataset is browsable through the Data Browser 2.0 to test the integration of the Mobility Domain #443

Closed sseppi closed 4 months ago

sseppi commented 8 months ago

The details for the integration of this data type are mentioned in the EPIC #296

This datasets are interesting since introduces the concept of Parent (ECharginStaton) -Child (EChargingPlug) station

Here below I post some useful link to start with for the first PoC:

gappc commented 6 months ago

@sseppi these are the related Data Browser links:

sseppi commented 5 months ago

@gappc As for the LinkData I would show the last measurement of a station.

As example for the Following eCahrgingPug:

I would suggest to show all existing values in the JSON that starts wit t or m:

      "tname": "echarging-plug-status",
      "ttype": "",
      "tunit": "",
      "mperiod": 600,
      "mtransactiontime": "2018-04-26 10:20:58.951+0000",
      "mvalidtime": "2018-05-08 05:05:25.485+0000",
      "mvalue": 1,

And I would do the same also for the eCharging Stations.