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As an Open data hub Manager I want that the Vehicular Time data is browsable through the Data Browser 2.0 to test the integration of the Mobility Domain #444

Closed sseppi closed 4 months ago

sseppi commented 8 months ago

The detail for the integration of this data are collected in the Epic #296

This data type is interesting because it introduces the concept of beginn and end station.

Here below I post some useful link to start with for the first PoC:

The link to the Vehicular Time data (concept of parent child with beginn and end station) Station description/metadata: Station last values:*/latest

gappc commented 6 months ago

@sseppi the vehicular time data can be found e.g. here:

Note that at the moment we don't show the last values for any mobility dataset. Should we add this info? How is it related to #456?

sseppi commented 6 months ago


Note that at the moment we don't show the last values for any mobility dataset. Should we add this info?

Yes I would add the last measured value for this last station. As example for the station "Galilei_Roma->druso-poste " (

I would suggest to show the mvalue returned by the following API call:*/latest?where=sname.eq.%22Galilei_Roma-%3Edruso-poste%22

In the measurement section I would suggest to show all existing values in the JSON that starts wit t or m:

"tdescription": "Count matches within 15minutes",
"tname": "Bluetooth Count match",
"ttype": "Count",
 "mperiod": 3600,
 "mtransactiontime": "2020-01-18 21:54:13.328+0000",
 "mvalidtime": "2021-06-24 08:30:00.000+0000",
 "mvalue": 3,

How is it related to #456?

The idea is that in this issue we will show only last measured value, in the #456 we will extend it to show also a preview of a longer period (eg. last day, last week, etc.).