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Bug: First publisher added does not work properly #447

Closed sseppi closed 7 months ago

sseppi commented 8 months ago


Screenshot of the Publisher table after clicking the Add new publisher the first time:


Screenshot of the Publisher table after clicking the Add new publisher the second time:


sseppi commented 8 months ago

@gappc can you please have a look at this bug, so we can discuss it at the next refinement meeting?

sseppi commented 8 months ago

Same issue also noted in the Category and Data Provider table of the "Dataset Information" dataset

gappc commented 8 months ago

@sseppi that's a strange issue, it doesn't happen with the latest commit of the development branch (849621b2307efd44841d633b659dd4672d7461cb) when started locally. For example, if I open http://localhost:3000/dataset/edit/tourism/v1/ODHActivityPoi/dss_187043 and try to add a new publisher, it works as expected.

On the other side, if I try to do the same on, then an error message appears (see below) and the behavior is the same as you mentioned. Is the same error message shown to you? All I can say is that the code tries to access a value that doesn't exist. Maybe that bug is already fixed in a current version?


It seems that the current development version and the version deployed to differ. After the last modifications to the deployment configs, I'm not sure which version / commit is deployed to which URL. I'm also not sure when the deployments run. Could you please check with @dulvui?

In order to reduce friction and to simplify information gathering in case of errors I propose the following updates to the project:

gappc commented 8 months ago

@sseppi I further looked into the details of this bug, because it happens also e.g. here when logged in:

The problem is related to PR #432, where the existing component SelectWithOptionsCell was heavily modified and now exposes the buggy behavior. I'm going to take a look at a fix.

sseppi commented 8 months ago

@gappc will you investigate where the problem is, or shall we ask a-crea that made the PR #432 ?

dulvui commented 8 months ago

@sseppi @a-crea the PR is now merged and ready for testing on

sseppi commented 7 months ago

Now the functionality seems to work properly.