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As a developer I want to have additional Components #451

Open RudiThoeni opened 8 months ago

RudiThoeni commented 8 months ago

Quick draft to find out which components are needed for the ODHActivityPoi Endpoint


The Component to set the Licenseinfo is missing (seems we can configure this without a component)

"LicenseInfo": {
    "License":  "string",
    "LicenseHolder": "string",
    "Author":   "string",
    "ClosedData":   boolean


The Mapping Component shows possible properties of interest of one or more sources where no appropriate field exists. At example it could contain the SkiresortId on Dolomitii Superski etc... Fields like CustomId, SmgId, OutdooractiveID, HgvId etc... will be marked as obsolete and added into the Mapping Property.
Since it is a Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,string>> i think we have to create a component for managing this data?

"Mapping": {
     "dss":  {
        "regionId": "12",
        "skiresort_pid": "53",
        "skiresort_rid": "173"


The actual RelatedContent Webcomponent is not what we need image

it simply populates a string field "RelatedContent": "aaa" which does not correspond to the datastructure

The datastructure of RelatedContent is:

"RelatedContent": [
"Id": "90e4bef8-3a43-4d82-bde7-0b1f77c6edf2",
"Self": "",
"Type": "wineaward"
"Id": "smgpoi710",
"Self": "",
"Type": "odhactivitypoi"
"Id": "0ecf738f-0627-4747-8ccd-6a07a9b6536b",
"Self": "",
"Type": "webcam"

I added into the openapi spec all possible values for the field Type


I think we have to create a component here.


As described in the other issue we need a Component where we can set all GPSInfo. I added to the openapi spec the possible values for the field Gpstype image


Language Based, for us for Interest is the field Novelty and the field Categories to check if the field Categories can be populated on save.


Language Based Key/Value List to store all fields where there is no corresponding field in the Datamodel. Generic and useful for all Datasets. Maybe here we need also a Property where the Key/Value List is not language based.

"PoiProperty": {
"de": [
  "Name": "openingtimesgastronomie",
  "Value": "März bis Dezember"
  "Name": "hasvisits",
  "Value": "False"

Gastronomy Infos

There are some fields which contains Infos about a Gastronomy which are not displayed. To check if we need to create a component here

DishRates Facilities MaxSeatingCapacity

ChildPoiIds, MasterPoiIds

To check where we have to show this assignments, to discuss if this assignment can be shifted to another already present generic field


Todo Component for adding Videos


Todo Config for adding the fields for DistanceInfo


Current Datamodel is:

"GpsTrack": [
"Id": null,
"Type": "detailed",
"Format": "kml",
"GpxTrackUrl": "",
"GpxTrackDesc": { "de":"test" }
sseppi commented 8 months ago

@RudiThoeni thank you for the great overview!

As discussed before, I would suggest to wait till the next meeting with Delia and then plan what is feasible simply by optimizing the configuration of the single datasets and what should be implemented in a new component.

sseppi commented 2 months ago

@RudiThoeni is this issue still valid? Can we chek if we need all the compoent yoou mentioned above?

RudiThoeni commented 2 months ago

@sseppi there are still some components missing like videoitems, gpstrack so we let open this issue