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As a Open Data Hub Data Consumer I want to see a preview of the x previous day of the time series, to understand how is the trend of the data I'm interested to. #456

Open sseppi opened 7 months ago

sseppi commented 7 months ago

The idea behind this issue is to activate a small graph to display for example the last 7 days (is just an example of duration of the preview) of each time series.

sseppi commented 7 months ago

In the implementation of this issue we have to consider that we probably have to deal with long uploading times. The user should understand that the Data Browser is loading the data to render the graph and not have perception that there is an error.

The Data Browser must continuously working and not wait for all the data to allow the user navigating the data.

In case of error occurring during the load of the data, only the part which is consuming the loaded data should be deactivated. For more information please see the dedicated issue: #457

pkritzinger commented 7 months ago

@sseppi here you can find a first proposal of the chart. Looking forward to feedback :)

gappc commented 7 months ago

@sseppi there seems to be a problem with the API when trying to fetch the data, the request times out.

For example, if I want to fetch the EChargingStation data for just one minute (2023-11-29 12:00:00 to 2023-11-30 12:01:00) I get the error below, although the pagination parameters offset and limit are set. The invoked URL was*/2023-11-29T12:00:00/2023-11-29T12:00:01?offset=0&limit=200

Note: I also tried to set the shownull and distinct parameters, but there was no difference in the outcome. Just using whole days as start / end values (e.g. 2023-11-29 to 2023-11-30) also made no difference.

    "code": 400,
    "hint": "Query for smaller response chunks. Use SELECT, WHERE, LIMIT with OFFSET, or a narrow time interval.",
    "description": "Query timed out",
    "message": "ERROR: canceling statement due to user request",
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "timestamp": 1701341784884

How should we go on with this?