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As a databrowser editor i want to have a Component to handle the ODH Mapping Datastructure #487

Closed RudiThoeni closed 6 months ago

RudiThoeni commented 6 months ago

The MappingObject is a generic Object which is used in the Tourism Api to store Ids or other Info from the originary Data where there is no field to add this info in the ODH data structure.

It is of this structure Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,string>>

Example 1:Id on HGV is saved and an additional lts a0r_id, rid

"Mapping": {
    "hgv": {
      "id": "11709"
    "lts": {
      "rid": "4502B4D1839011D2A87F00A0C9D7238C",
      "a0r_id": "13446"

Example 2: The Dolomiti Superski internal Ids are saved into this object

"Mapping": {
    "dss": {
      "pid": "216200",
      "rid": "10835",
      "regionId": "4",
      "skiresort_pid": "22",
      "skiresort_rid": "122"

The component should be very minimal and simply allow to insert a key (plain text). Into each Key can be inserted Key:Values . All of this plain text without controls, without references, without autocomplete or something.

gappc commented 6 months ago

Hey @RudiThoeni I just merged PR #494 to add support for the Mapping object

The component is configured at the moment for the following datasets: Accommodation, Article, ODHActivityPoi, e.g. see here: Please take a look at the implementation and let me know what you think.

Please also check to which other datasets we should add the Mapping component.

RudiThoeni commented 6 months ago

Hi @gappc perfect work, exactly what i wanted ;) for datasets where the component has to be added i will check and add them. thx and cheers