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As STA and independentL I would like to use the Data Browser in order to upload additional metadata (accessibility information) of the public charging stations #505

Open rcavaliere opened 5 months ago

rcavaliere commented 5 months ago

Expected workflow:


Test environment:

clezag commented 5 months ago

@rcavaliere I've had a look at the draft, and in my opinion putting this into station metadata could lead to a bunch of issues (e.g. translations, validation, and currently no way to even store or request an image), and it looks much more like POI data in tourism. Even more so if we think about the domains as timeseries vs content.

So before starting with any implementation, I will have a discussion with Rudi to see what similar data he currently has, and explore if and how it could potentially be put into tourism and linked with the mobility API

In addition, Antonietta has brought up that IDM and LTS are themselves in talks with IndependentL about getting accessibility data in the tourism space. Maybe we can find out what they are talking about about, there could be overlap with this issue. e.g. maybe it turns out that in the end we can have a single data stream of accessibility data, combined into a new POI accessibility data set, and link to it from the mobility side.

rcavaliere commented 5 months ago

@clezag @RudiThoeni that's fine for me. But remember that we also have to provide them a possibility to give this data to the Open Data through the Data Browser. They are already waiting us in order to start the data upload. Please find here attached an example of accessibility data associated to a charging station.

RudiThoeni commented 4 months ago

I will check this in this sprint. With the latest changes on the Authorization System on Tourism it should be possible to manage that only certain POIs can be edited by some Independent User

RudiThoeni commented 3 months ago

@clezag can you provide me the call to get all the public charging stations from the mobility api so i can insert them as pois into the tourism api

Next steps are

RudiThoeni commented 3 months ago

@rcavaliere what is the call to get the E-Chargingstation which i should import as Poi, because this here returns a lot :)*/latest?limit=0

rcavaliere commented 3 months ago

@RudiThoeni I would just import the metadata of the stations ->,node/EChargingStation?limit=0 probably you should just consider the active stations, then,node/EChargingStation?limit=0&wheresactive.eq.true

RudiThoeni commented 3 months ago

ok and consider only stations in south tyrol or all?

rcavaliere commented 3 months ago

you are right, just South Tyrol could be sufficient now. @clezag can you provide here the API call with the bounding box you defined for the web-components with the KPIs (

clezag commented 3 months ago

Yes, already shared that with Rudi. Something like,,46.141620,12.485895,47.105445,4326)

rcavaliere commented 3 months ago

First release by @RudiThoeni - test environment:

@rcavaliere is testing and checking if everything is OK. Then we will then set up everything so that IndepententL can start uploading their data

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

@RudiThoeni today I was finally able to test your development. Looks everything OK, I think IndependentL should have everything for their activity! I will then start contacting them so to introduce the tool. I will ask for the user details that should have access grants with edit power for this specific data. Shall we work directly in production mode or better organize some tests in the testing environment? In the first case, we should set up the production environment first

RudiThoeni commented 2 months ago

Hi @rcavaliere I can also deploy everything on production and we start from there...... will inform you when done...... The first step is they register an user on keycloak and i assign the rights to access and edit the data....... They can already do it... go to then on login go to New user? Register fill out the Registration Form and give us the names so we can set up everything.......

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

@RudiThoeni the users are:

Can you please create them and set up the access rights?

RudiThoeni commented 2 months ago

@rcavaliere the process is that they register on keyckloak setup their password etc... after this is done i will add the access rights Right above Login --> New user? Register

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

@RudiThoeni thanks. In the meantime, I imagine they can do the same also in the testing environment, isn't it? They would like first to make some tests here. Another request: would it be possible to put the coordinates as additional column in this view?

RudiThoeni commented 2 months ago

@rcavaliere Yes they can do it also on the testing environment, let me know when they first logged, so i can add the roles, i saw only logged until now (added her rights to modify)

i added a reduced GPS View in the databrowser table view..... image

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

@RudiThoeni perfect, I give her feedback that she has already grants!

rcavaliere commented 1 month ago

@RudiThoeni feedback from IndependentL shared via mail. They request to have the view at plug level and to make some changes to the available fields, both in the general list and in the station detail

rcavaliere commented 1 month ago

Blocked until STA and IndependentL understand how to manage the accessibility characterization at plug level