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As a Data Consumer I want in the Table View an easy way to change the dataset I looking, to be quicker in the navigation of the data. #525

Open sseppi opened 5 months ago

sseppi commented 5 months ago

If I'm navigating a dataset in the Table View, by clicking on the Dataset name top right (see screenshot below), I want to be able to filter, search and browse the dataset list to change the data I looking.


Once the user clicks on the dataset name, an Idea could be to explode the bar and show the list of datasets and the search and filre options, like in the dataset overview page.


Warning If we do so, we have to find a way to warn the user about this functionality! Maybe a tooltip or something similar could be useful. Maybe we could consider something similar what Githug (screenshot belo) or google drive with the new features do.


sseppi commented 3 weeks ago


The proposed solution is inline with the goal of this issue. During the call the following aspect has been discussed:

sseppi commented 2 weeks ago

For the search on the Table view "Search within Title" we need to identify a way to implement it also for the mobiltiy.

Since in the Tourism the searchfilterdoes the search on the Title field, on the mobility side we could implement it by making the search on the "Station Name" field.

On mobile the search will be reduced only to a lens icon. If the user clicks on it will be opened the search.

sseppi commented 1 week ago

@pkritzinger can you please add the link to the final version of the design?

pkritzinger commented 1 week ago

@sseppi @MatteoBiasi please find the design here. It would be great if @MatteoBiasi could check what influences the implementation of V2 would have on the different components so that we can review - and in case optimize - them.