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Create Component for Inserting VideoItems #598

Open RudiThoeni opened 4 days ago

RudiThoeni commented 4 days ago

We need a component for inserting VideoItems

Since Videos can be available only in one language instead of a List we have a Dictionary with the language key and a List of Videos for each Language.

The Datastructure is following

VideoItems": {
        "languagekey": [
                "Name": "string",
                "Url": "string",
                "VideoSource": "string",
                "VideoType": "string",
                "StreamingSource": "string",
                "VideoTitle": "string",
                "VideoDesc": "string",
                "Active": boolean,
                "CopyRight": "string",
                "License": "SEE Dropdown ImageGallery",
                "LicenseHolder": "string",


"VideoItems": {
        "de": [
                "Name": "00527C33B94A42C2BABE4658EF211A15",
                "Url": "<iframe width=\"1280\" height=\"720\" src=\"//\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\"/>",
                "VideoSource": "Youtube",
                "VideoType": "Werbefilm",
                "StreamingSource": "",
                "VideoTitle": "",
                "VideoDesc": "Video Beschreibung DE",
                "Active": true,
                "CopyRight": "Corvara",
                "License": "LTS",
                "LicenseHolder": null,
                "Language": "de"
        "it": [
                "Name": "00527C33B94A42C2BABE4658EF211A15",
                "Url": "<iframe width=\"960\" height=\"720\" src=\"//\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\"/>",
                "VideoSource": "Youtube",
                "VideoType": "Film pubblicitario",
                "StreamingSource": "",
                "VideoTitle": "",
                "VideoDesc": "Video Beschreibung it",
                "Active": true,
                "CopyRight": "Corvara",
                "License": "LTS",
                "LicenseHolder": null,
                "Language": "it"
        "en": [
                "Name": "00527C33B94A42C2BABE4658EF211A15",
                "Url": "<iframe width=\"1280\" height=\"720\" src=\"//\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\"/>",
                "VideoSource": "Youtube",
                "VideoType": "Promotional",
                "StreamingSource": "",
                "VideoTitle": "",
                "VideoDesc": "Video Beschreibung EN",
                "Active": true,
                "CopyRight": "Corvara",
                "License": "LTS",
                "LicenseHolder": null,
                "Language": "en"

related issue

RudiThoeni commented 4 days ago

@gappc I think lets try to create this component without having a meeting. I think everything should be clear. if there are more questions we can always have a short meeting. thx and cheers