noi-techpark / odh-mentor-otp

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here geocoder api #85

Closed stefanocudini closed 2 years ago

stefanocudini commented 2 years ago

added integration with here geocoder api to resolve addresses

created two new env var HERE_APPID here geocoder api appId params HERE_APPCODE here geocoder api appCode params

your code should be entered here to hide api keys in github I think something similar to JENKINSURL_TOKEN

this PR require only rebuild of geocoder container

Piiit commented 2 years ago

@stefanocudini Hi, please resolve conflicts... thank you

Piiit commented 2 years ago

@rcavaliere @stefanocudini The conflicts are solved, thanks.

The CI fails though, please check the logs... @alexlanz can you do this please... I do not know on which side it hangs. Eventually write to @stefanocudini

RudiThoeni commented 2 years ago

i have seen credentials in the PR (docker-compose.yml) HERE_APPID, HERE_APPCODE, HERE_APIKEY can we remove them they are also not visible in the commit history anymore?

stefanocudini commented 2 years ago

i have seen credentials in the PR (docker-compose.yml) HERE_APPID, HERE_APPCODE, HERE_APIKEY can we remove them they are also not visible in the commit history anymore?

the committed keys were just random strings, we have removed them anyway

RudiThoeni commented 2 years ago

thx for removing the credentials and all your fast replies ;)

One thing to clarify, the renaming of the ".env.example" to "dot.env.example", it is a our standard in our repos to have a .env.example so we are not lucky about this ;) Is there a special reason for this renaming, when not we prefer to have it as before?

The CI on the PR fails because it is done with the old CI file that expects a .env.example file....

RudiThoeni commented 2 years ago


stefanocudini commented 2 years ago

@RudiThoeni when I click below over Details of CI receive an 404 error page... at this point I don't know why the CI fails but I have no possibility to investigate

RudiThoeni commented 2 years ago

@stefanocudini thx now you should have access to CI logs, (for the future) we will see to fix the CI i noticed they gave an error since long time.....