noir-lang / noir

Noir is a domain specific language for zero knowledge proofs
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Stack overflow on program with a lot of private inputs #3525

Open mikirov opened 10 months ago

mikirov commented 10 months ago


The program should compile or give a more descriptive error message why it could not compile

Expected Behavior

The program should compile or give a more descriptive error message why it could not compile


The code that fails is the following:

use dep::noir_biguint;
use dep::ecrecover::secp256k1;
use dep::std;

// modify these values when creating an array of inputs and outputs for a single UTXO
global OUTPUT_SIZE = 116;
global INDEXED_MERKLE_LEAF_SIZE = 236; // 2 * OUTPUT_SIZE + 4 (nextIdx)

struct Output {
    value: [u8; 32], // represents u256 value in EVM
    spender_pub_key_x: [u8; 32],
    spender_pub_key_y: [u8; 32],
    erc20_address: [u8; 20], // represents address of ERC20 token contract. Ised as an ID. If it's null we can consider the transfer to be ETH transfer

struct Transaction {
    input: Output, // reference to the previous UTXO output
    output: Output // current new UTXO output

impl Transaction {
    // conversion can be unconstrained since we are not checking anything here
    unconstrained fn to_bytes(self: Self) -> [u8; TRANSACTION_SIZE] {
        let mut res =  [0 as u8; TRANSACTION_SIZE];
        let mut index = 0;

        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.input.value[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.input.spender_pub_key_x[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.input.spender_pub_key_y[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..20 {
            res[index] = self.input.erc20_address[j];
            index += 1;

        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.output.value[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.output.spender_pub_key_x[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.output.spender_pub_key_y[j];
            index += 1;

        for j in 0..20 {
            res[index] = self.output.erc20_address[j];
            index += 1;



impl Output {
    // conversion can be unconstrained since we are not checking anything here
    unconstrained fn to_field_array(self: Self) -> [Field; OUTPUT_SIZE] {
        let mut res =  [0 as Field; OUTPUT_SIZE];
        let mut index = 0;

        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.value[j] as Field;
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.spender_pub_key_x[j] as Field;
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            res[index] = self.spender_pub_key_y[j] as Field;
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..20 {
            res[index] = self.erc20_address[j] as Field;
            index += 1;


    //NOTE: keccak hashes the entire object
    fn to_bytes_32(self: Self) -> [u8; 32] {
        let mut arr =  [0 as u8; OUTPUT_SIZE];
        let mut index = 0;

        for j in 0..20 {
            arr[index] = self.erc20_address[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.value[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.spender_pub_key_x[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.spender_pub_key_y[j];
            index += 1;

        let res = std::hash::keccak256(arr, OUTPUT_SIZE);

struct SignedTransaction {
    pub_key_x: [u8; 32],
    pub_key_y: [u8; 32],
    signature: [u8; 64],
    transaction: Transaction

impl SignedTransaction {
    //verification logic comes from:
    fn verify(self) -> bool {
        let transaction_bytes: [u8; TRANSACTION_SIZE] = self.transaction.to_bytes();
        let hashed_transaction = std::hash::keccak256(transaction_bytes, TRANSACTION_SIZE);
        let key = secp256k1::PubKey::from_xy(self.pub_key_x, self.pub_key_y);
        let res = key.verify_sig(self.signature, hashed_transaction);

struct IndexedMerkleLeaf {
    val: Output,
    nextVal: Output,
    nextIdx: u32,

impl IndexedMerkleLeaf {

    //NOTE: keccak hashes the entire object
    fn to_bytes_32(self: Self) -> [u8; 32] {
        let mut arr =  [0 as u8; INDEXED_MERKLE_LEAF_SIZE];
        let mut index = 0;

        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.val.value[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.val.spender_pub_key_x[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.val.spender_pub_key_y[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..20 {
            arr[index] = self.val.erc20_address[j];
            index += 1;

        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.nextVal.value[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.nextVal.spender_pub_key_x[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..32 {
            arr[index] = self.nextVal.spender_pub_key_y[j];
            index += 1;
        for j in 0..20 {
            arr[index] = self.nextVal.erc20_address[j];
            index += 1;

        for j in 0..4 {
            let shift_amount: u32 = 24 - (j * 8) as u32;
            arr[index] = ((self.nextIdx >> shift_amount) & 255) as u8;
            index += 1;

        let res = std::hash::keccak256(arr, INDEXED_MERKLE_LEAF_SIZE);

// NOTE: we need to initially compress the Output leaf to 32 bytes before passing it to the function
fn compute_merkle_root(leaf: [u8; 32], path_indices: [Field; 32], siblings: [[u8; 32]; 32]) -> [u8; 32] {
    let mut current = leaf;
    for i in 0..32 { //depth 32
        let is_right = (path_indices[i] == 1) as bool;
        let mut arr: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
        let mut index = 0;
        for j in 0..32 { // each one of 32 bytes
            if(is_right) {
                arr[index] = siblings[i][j];
                index += 1;
            } else {
                arr[index] = current[j];
                index += 1;

        for j in 0..32 { // each one of 32 bytes
            if(is_right) {
                arr[index] = current[j];
                index += 1;
            } else {
                arr[index] = siblings[i][j];
                index += 1;

        current = std::hash::keccak256(arr, 64);



//then check inputs are available and required amount is available
fn check_input_output_values(input: Output, output: Output) {
    let mut total_value_inputs = noir_biguint::BigUint56::zero();
    let mut total_value_outputs = noir_biguint::BigUint56::zero(); // we are using BigInt library to accumulate UTXO values

    //maybe add with carry and assert there is no overflow
    total_value_inputs = total_value_inputs.add(noir_biguint::BigUint56::from_bytes(input.value));
    total_value_outputs = total_value_outputs.add(noir_biguint::BigUint56::from_bytes(output.value));

    // the transaction total value must be more than zero, but input value must be less than output value

// utxo_before and utxo_after are the sets of UTXOs before and after executing the transaction traces
// each one of them is represented as merkle tree root, path indices (0 or 1 representing left or right side) and sibling path (array of intermediary tree values).
// The nullifier tree will be append-only and should be used to proove UTXO has not been spent using merkle non-inclusion proof.
// nullifier
// Merkle tree of depth 32 should be enough to represent 4 billion UTXOs, enough to cover the next 27 years at 5 TPS at full usage.
fn main(utxo_before_root: [u8; 32], utxo_before_path_indices: [Field; 32], utxo_before_siblings: [[u8; 32]; 32], utxo_after_root: [u8; 32], utxo_after_path_indices: [Field; 32], utxo_after_siblings: [[u8; 32]; 32], low_nullifier_leaf: IndexedMerkleLeaf, low_nullifier_root: [u8; 32], low_nullifier_path_indices: [Field; 32], low_nullifier_siblings: [[u8; 32]; 32], signed_transaction: SignedTransaction) {

        //Ensure that the signature is signed by the same owner that claims to have access to UTXO before
        let transaction = signed_transaction.transaction;

        check_input_output_values(transaction.input, transaction.output);

        //assert utxo input index exists in utxo set before (use it as leaf index)
        let computed_root = compute_merkle_root(transaction.input.to_bytes_32(), utxo_before_path_indices, utxo_before_siblings);
        assert(utxo_before_root == computed_root);

        //assert the new utxo output has been added to the utxo tree after the transaction
        let computed_root = compute_merkle_root(transaction.output.to_bytes_32(), utxo_after_path_indices, utxo_after_siblings);
        assert(utxo_after_root == computed_root);

        //ownership check
        //assert the transaction signer public key is the same as the input utxo spender public key
        assert(signed_transaction.pub_key_x == transaction.input.spender_pub_key_x);
        assert(signed_transaction.pub_key_y == transaction.input.spender_pub_key_y);

        //UTXO input merkle non-inclusion proof

        //hash the low nullifier
        let low_nullifier_hash = low_nullifier_leaf.to_bytes_32();

        //Prove the low leaf exists in the tree: n hashes.
        let computed_root = compute_merkle_root(low_nullifier_hash, low_nullifier_path_indices, low_nullifier_siblings);
        assert(low_nullifier_root == computed_root);

        let low_nullifier_value = noir_biguint::BigUint56::from_bytes(low_nullifier_leaf.val.value);
        let new_nullifier_value = noir_biguint::BigUint56::from_bytes(transaction.input.value);
        if(low_nullifier_leaf.nextIdx == 0) {
            //Special case, the low leaf is at the very end, so the new_value must be higher than all values in the tree
        } else {
            let low_nullifier_next_value = noir_biguint::BigUint56::from_bytes(low_nullifier_leaf.nextVal.value);

To Reproduce

  1. Copy code
  2. nargo compile
  3. Same thing happens when running nargo execute

Installation Method


Nargo Version

nargo version = 0.19.2 noirc version = 0.19.2+47f0130c0d154f1b70eb23f376783beb3f23ad72 (git version hash: 47f0130c0d154f1b70eb23f376783beb3f23ad72, is dirty: false)

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TomAFrench commented 10 months ago

Hi @mikirov, the code you've pasted doesn't contain a main function so it shouldn't compile. Can you give a full example?

mikirov commented 10 months ago

Hi @mikirov, the code you've pasted doesn't contain a main function so it shouldn't compile. Can you give a full example?

I am sorry, I updated the proper code :). Complete repo with the code can be found here

Savio-Sou commented 10 months ago

Hi @mikirov, thanks for reporting the issue.

Got a 404 when accessing the repo you linked to. Perhaps it's a private repo still?

Savio-Sou commented 10 months ago

Also what is the boundary you are facing in terms of the number of private inputs that makes a successful vs failing compilation?

mikirov commented 10 months ago

Investigating further it seems like I could not find a link from the stack overflow to the private inputs. I tried nargo compile --show-ssa, which produced 454265 lines after which the process aborted. I was suspecting i did not have enough RAM to run the process on my local machine, however running it on 177GB RAM GCP VM had the same stack overflow issue. Debugging further, /usr/bin/time -h -p -l nargo compile says the peak RAM usage of the process was mere 1.2GB:

thread 'main' has overflowed its stack
fatal runtime error: stack overflow
time: command terminated abnormally
real 2.18
user 1.85
sys 0.25
          1798160384  maximum resident set size
                   0  average shared memory size
                   0  average unshared data size
                   0  average unshared stack size
              123062  page reclaims
                   0  page faults
                   0  swaps
                   0  block input operations
                   0  block output operations
                   0  messages sent
                   0  messages received
                   1  signals received
                   1  voluntary context switches
                 439  involuntary context switches
         20707369774  instructions retired
          6454949306  cycles elapsed
          1205850816  peak memory footprint
[1]    58309 abort      /usr/bin/time -h -p -l nargo compile
mikirov commented 10 months ago

Is it possible that there is a limit in the number of generated ACIR operations in a stack frame imposed by barretemberg?

Savio-Sou commented 10 months ago

What are the constraint counts you get from running nargo info?

mikirov commented 10 months ago

Commenting out parts of the main method I was able to run nargo compile successfully. Seems like the issue is not in the number of private inputs but rather the number of constraints generated in the main method. Removing one of 3 merkle inclusion proofs makes the program compile successfully.

mikirov commented 9 months ago

I managed to find a workaround using recursive proofs. Maybe there should be a better error message when the circuit size is too large?

Savio-Sou commented 9 months ago

Maybe there should be a better error message when the circuit size is too large?

At what circuit sizes were you hitting the "ceiling" and received the error?