This was uncovered by, which pushed the size of the UltraPlonk verifier circuit to size 2^19. The failure is that the prover runs out of memory while creating the proving key. It was subsequently verified that proving fails for other circuits of size 2^19 (e.g., the test program called hashmap) while it succeeds for a circuit of size 2^18 (the test program ecdsa_secp256r1_3x).
This was uncovered by, which pushed the size of the UltraPlonk verifier circuit to size 2^19. The failure is that the prover runs out of memory while creating the proving key. It was subsequently verified that proving fails for other circuits of size 2^19 (e.g., the test program called hashmap) while it succeeds for a circuit of size 2^18 (the test program ecdsa_secp256r1_3x).