noirbizarre / flask-restplus

Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
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Flask `test_client` could not find endpoints registred from namesapces #402

Open DhiaTN opened 6 years ago

DhiaTN commented 6 years ago

I'm testing my flask app using pytest, when it comes to test the enpoints I used the Flask app.test_client utility:

def client(app):
    return app.test_client()

Trying the test the endpoints as follow:

def test_get_all(session, client):
    sites = create_batch(SitesFactory, 4)
    # assert Sites.query.count() == 4 # returns True which means sites exist in the database
    response = client.get('/api/v1/sites')
    # tested with and without prefix does not find it both ways
    # response = client.get('/sites')
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json) == 4

But I get always <Response streamed [404 NOT FOUND]> when I test it against endpoint registered from restplusNamespace:

session = <sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session object at 0x10b63eb00>
client = <FlaskClient <Flask 'sites_service'>>

    def test_get_all(session, client):
        sites = create_batch(SitesFactory, 4)
        response = client.get('/api/v1/sites')
>       assert response.status_code == 200
E       assert 404 == 200
E        +  where 404 = <Response streamed [404 NOT FOUND]>.status_code

tests/sites/ AssertionError

 tests/sites/ ⨯                                                                    100% ██████████

Results (0.32s):
       1 failed
         - tests/sites/ test_get_all

but works fine if the endpoint is registered using app.add_url_rule. It seems like an issue (#356 ) have been also reported in the past but not solved.

I'm using pytest (3.4.1), Flask (0.12.2), flask-restplus (0.10.1) on OSX environment.

aparamon commented 6 years ago

What is your output of

for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():


DhiaTN commented 6 years ago

I found out the issue but could not understand why it's causing the problem. Let's say I have the following structure:

|-- project/
|   |-- service/
|   |   |--
|   |   |--
|   |   |--

if namespace is defined in the file and then imported from there to be added to the api, it works just fine, but if the namespace is created in and used in the the same way the endpoints are not registered if you add the namespace to the api.

j0nimost commented 5 years ago

share a full code sample @DhiaTN

singh-harveer commented 5 years ago

I faced the same issue, I have solved it by importing app from the same file where I am defining (registering) endpoints. just writing it for someone will come here facing the same issue in future :)

pierorex commented 3 years ago

@singh-harveer thanks, your idea saved me :)

kapilbablani commented 2 years ago

Just import the controller file (file containing endpoints) in your It will work !!

moawiah commented 2 months ago

@singh-harveer - How did you actually do that? I am using blueprints and all of them are registered using api.register_blueprint() function. I imported the app directly from there with no success. Always getting 404!

singh-harveer commented 1 month ago

Hi @moawiah It has been quite a time, since i have posted this. have a look on this python snippet here

Idea is to import Api, and Resource in same file where you are registering the endpoints. like:

from flask_restplus import Api, Resource

Hope it help you.

PS: Above shared snippet is quite old, so there might lot have changed in flask-restplus.

moawiah commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the quick response! I am using flask smorest and facing same issue! I am already importing Api in the same file registering the blueprints
