Open noirbizarre opened 9 years ago
You may want to implement __deepcopy__
to speed up the process given write your own deepcopy…
You may consider using Immutable Data structures instead of copying all data. The best fitting project I know (maintained and feature-rich) is Pyrsistent:
(Just for the reference, I also came across other Python projects implemented Immutable Data structures, but, unfortunately, they are all abandoned: funktown, pysistence,
It can be an approach but to be, the main problem is caused by the flask-restful dependency: we started to differ too much and I have to do deepcopy to maintain compatibility with upstream marshalling algorithm.
Flask-restful was a very good starter for me but I think time has come to drop flask-restful and to make flask-restplus a standalone extension.
Hello! I updated to newest version from 0.7.2 and noticed that performance degraded significantly. Test script:
import cProfile, pstats, StringIO
from flask import Flask
import flask_restplus_new # 0.10.1
import flask_restplus_old # 0.7.2
def make_app(flask_resplust):
app = Flask(__name__)
api = flask_resplust.Api(app)
client = api.model('Client', {
'id': flask_resplust.fields.Integer(min=0, required=True, description='The client identifier'),
'name': flask_resplust.fields.String(required=True, description='The client name')
namespace = api.namespace('clients', description='Client operations')
class Check(flask_resplust.Resource):
def get(self, check_id):
return {
'id': 100500,
'name': "test"
return app
def test_app(app):
client = app.test_client()
pr = cProfile.Profile()
for i in xrange(5000):
s = StringIO.StringIO()
ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats('tottime')
print s.getvalue()
if __name__ == "__main__":
old_app = make_app(flask_restplus_old)
new_app = make_app(flask_restplus_new)
Resulting timings are 6.986 seconds for 0.7.2 and 8.756 seconds for 0.10.1. There are some cases where performance degradation is more severe. One of the reasons is usage of deepcopy. Is it possible to fix this performance issue?
Is it possible to fix this performance issue?
It might be possible. @Qwasser If you have some code optimization to share, I'll be happy to review your pull request.
Some things make API instanciation very longs (seen in testing on some projects)
usage cost way too much.