noise-lab / NetDiffusion_Generator

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Suggested changes for installing Netdiffusion dependencies. #5

Open CiroGuida opened 6 months ago

CiroGuida commented 6 months ago

Please consider making the YAML configuration file public to facilitate the installation of Netdiffusion. Currently, the requirements.txt file is not usable by the pip utility.

In my case, I had to create a YAML configuration file from the requirements file thanks to the script provided here: In your case, you can create the correct YAML when your environment is active, with this command: conda env export | head -n -1 | tail -n +2 > environment.yml

Then I create a new virtual environment with the following: conda create --name my_env pip python=3.10.9

and activate the environment with conda activate my_env

Then I installed tensorrt-libs from the pypi nvidia repository, as this package is not available in pypi and conda cannot resolve it: pip install --extra-index-url tensorrt-libs This step is mandatory to install all requirements listed in the YAML config file.

Next, I downgraded torch and triton to 2.0.1 and 2.0.0 respectively, because some packages were not compatible with torch 2.2.0 stated in the original requirements.txt

Finally, I updated all dependencies with: conda env update -n my_env -f environment.yml

TracyTd commented 5 months ago

Thanks!this really helped me a lot!Also do you know where the full data set is? Thanks a lot!

CiroGuida commented 5 months ago

Thanks!this really helped me a lot!Also do you know where the full data set is? Thanks a lot!

@TracyTd Unfortunately, the dataset used for the paper is private. The authors only shared an example of PCAP to play with the model. Try to collect your own traffic data or download PCAP datasets from other papers.

TracyTd commented 5 months ago

@CiroGuida Thanks a lot!

TracyTd commented 5 months ago

@CiroGuida May I ask you one more question? In the Data Preprocessing,is fine_tune/sd-webui-fork/stable-diffusion-webui/ downloading from or other places? I can't find correct file in Thank you so much!

CiroGuida commented 5 months ago

@CiroGuida May I ask you one more question? In the Data Preprocessing,is fine_tune/sd-webui-fork/stable-diffusion-webui/ downloading from or other places? I can't find the correct file at Thank you so much!

Yes, the link is automatic1111. However, the correct version of stable diffusion (for netdiffusion) is already forked into the repository. So, you have to manage two env variables in (.bat if you are using Windows and modify it according to Windows). Modify them as follows:

install_dir=$(dirname "$PWD")


Also, you might want to delete the empty directory stable-diffusion-webui

TracyTd commented 5 months ago

Thank you very much!