noisetorch / NoiseTorch

Real-time microphone noise suppression on Linux.
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Weird Behaviors #337

Open RafidMuhymin opened 2 years ago

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

I installed NoistTorch on my Zorin OS machine yesterday, and it works perfectly. Excellent work, the NoiseTorch team :clap: !

But I'm facing too many issues. They are as follows:

  1. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but NoiseTorch did not start after finishing the installation and proceeding with the next steps. To make it work, I had to restart the system.
  2. It's recording and filtering the sound, but I can't hear anything. These are the IO devices that appear in the panel. image image I can hear the sounds if I change the output device to Built-In Analog Audio Stereo. However, it then stops recording the sounds. And I can hear the echo of my voice and other sounds, which is very annoying.
  3. When I unload NoiseTorch, Chrome frequently stops recognizing the microphone and I have to do a number of things to get it to recognize it again. I'm still not sure what exactly causes the state to revert.
Technetium1 commented 2 years ago

For point 3, that's a very common problem for much more than just NoiseTorch.

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

@Technetium1 is there any way to improve the situation for Chrome?

Technetium1 commented 2 years ago


is there any way to improve the situation for Chrome?

I use: systemctl --user restart pipewire.service pipewire-pulse.socket then chrome:restart and it's good enough:tm: for me

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the information @Technetium1 !

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

@Technetium1 the systemctl --user restart pipewire.service pipewire-pulse.socket is not working and throwing two errors: Failed to restart pipewire.service: Unit pipewire.service not found. Failed to restart pipewire-pulse.socket: Unit pipewire-pulse.socket not found.

Technetium1 commented 2 years ago

I use pipewire, if you don't, then you substitute your audio service. You can find out what you're using with

inxi -Fz | grep "Sound Server"
RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

@Technetium1 The inxi -Fz | grep "Sound Server" command is not returning anything.

Technetium1 commented 2 years ago

I have literally no idea how to find out what sound server you're using then :grimacing:...

TheDukeofErl commented 2 years ago

Judging by the way the sinks look, I'm going to guess it's pulseaudio. Please try a systemctl --user status pulseaudio.service to verify this.

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

@TheDukeofErl yeah, you are correct, thank you.


RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

But @Technetium1 I tried to run systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket but it's failing to restart the services.


RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

These are the logs from systemctl --user status pulseaudio.socket and systemctl --user status pulseaudio.service


RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

PulseAudio is no longer working. I don't think it's happened today. Something went wrong 2days ago when I was experimenting with NoiseTorch. The Mic wasn't working. And now after I tried to kill and restart it I'm not getting even sound. I have installed and reinstalled PulseAudio but it's still not working.

EDIT: Sound is back after restarting the machine. I thought logging out and logging in would do the job. However, the Mic is still not working.

EDIT#2: Actually I had muted the mic in the audio mixer when experimenting with the settings :sweat_smile: ! Sorry for the inconvenience.

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

Returning to the original issues:

  1. This problem persists.
  2. So far, I haven't faced the issue again since asking here.
  3. NEW: NoiseTorch is no longer filtering the sounds. It sounds exactly the same with and without it turned on.
TheDukeofErl commented 2 years ago

At this point I'm very confused with what's going on here. It feels like this would be better dealt with as a discussion, as there doesn't seem to be a specific bug here but that this is more of a support request? In an ideal world, an issue/bug will be one specific, well defined issue. This often isn't the case but I feel that the scope here started out too large and has crept up and become larger, making it hard for me to figure out what's going on.

Can you please go through and look at the troubleshooting steps here? My knee jerk thought is that these issues are being caused by how you have your fallback/primary devices set in pulseaudio (Volume Control and whatever tools your DE provides).

RafidMuhymin commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion @TheDukeofErl. I have already visited the troubleshooting docs but they say nothing about this kind of issue. And I have shared the pictures of the Audio Mixer panel in the original message, if you tell me I can provide more information if necessary.

TheDukeofErl commented 9 months ago

Looking back at this, it looked like it was originally an issue where something was going horribly wrong with the sound server on the OS. Is this issue still relevant?