Open Cuile opened 1 year ago
windows 10 hyper-v 虚拟机,安装deepin 20 x64 系统
shadowsocks-electron 安装配置都正常,链接也不报错,能正常测试延迟,有一点流量产生,但就是无法正常访问外网。
cuile@cuile-deepin:/opt/apps/com.shadowsocks-electron/files/bin$ ./AppRun info: 2023/5/6 19:10:59 - appDataPath: /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron info: 2023/5/6 19:10:59 - pathRuntime: /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/ info: 2023/5/6 19:10:59 - pathExecutable: /opt/apps/com.shadowsocks-electron/files/bin hooks: >> checkEnvFiles hooks: >> chmodFiles fs.chmod => /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/bin/linux/x64/ss-local with 457 fs.chmod => /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/bin/linux/x64/ssr-local with 457 fs.chmod => /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/bin/linux/x64/v2ray-plugin with 457 hooks: >> checkPlatform hooks: >> injectSentryMonitor libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null) hooks: >> configureLanguage [19479:0506/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [19479:0506/] dri3 extension not supported. APPIMAGE env is not defined, current application is not an AppImage checkForUpdatesAndNotify called, downloadPromise is null (shadowsocks-electron:19432): libappindicator-WARNING **: 19:11:00.190: Unable to connect to the Notification Watcher: GDBus.Error:com.deepin.DBus.Error.Unnamed: notifier item has been registered Stop http proxy server... info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Closing PAC server info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Starting PAC server info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Watching PAC file /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/pac/gfwlist-user.txt... info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Watching PAC file /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/pac/gfwlist.txt... info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Generating full PAC file... info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Generated done. info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Set proxy on info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Exec command:/home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/bin/linux/x64/ss-local -s ********** -p 443 -b -l 1081 -k ********* -m chacha20-ietf-poly1305 --plugin /home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/bin/linux/x64/v2ray-plugin --plugin-opts "path=/explore;host=**********;tls" -t 60 info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - Started ss-local info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - 2023-05-06 19:11:00 INFO: plugin "/home/cuile/.config/shadowsocks-electron/runtime/bin/linux/x64/v2ray-plugin" enabled >> SocketTransfer listening on port: 1080 StartClusterInterceptor: after info: 2023/5/6 19:11:00 - 2023-05-06 19:11:00 INFO: initializing ciphers... chacha20-ietf-poly1305 2023-05-06 19:11:00 INFO: listening at (shadowsocks-electron:19432): libappindicator-WARNING **: 19:11:00.924: Unable to connect to the Notification Watcher: GDBus.Error:com.deepin.DBus.Error.Unnamed: notifier item has been registered >> error: 2023/5/6 19:11:01 - 2023/05/06 19:11:01 V2Ray 4.23.2 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.14.3 linux/amd64) 2023/05/06 19:11:01 A unified platform for anti-censorship. info: 2023/5/6 19:11:01 - 2023/05/06 19:11:01 [Warning] V2Ray 4.23.2 started info: 2023/5/6 19:11:01 - Started ss-local >> health check result: false >> health check result: false health:check:failed >> 1081 >> health check result: false >> health check result: false health:check:failed >> 1081 >> health check result: false >> health check result: false health:check:failed >> 1081 hooks: >> configureLanguage info: 2023/5/6 19:12:17 - App will quit. Cleaning up... hooks: >> configureLanguage ProcessHost: a child process exited: 19432 ! cuile@cuile-deepin:/opt/apps/com.shadowsocks-electron/files/bin$
windows 10 hyper-v 虚拟机,安装deepin 20 x64 系统
shadowsocks-electron 安装配置都正常,链接也不报错,能正常测试延迟,有一点流量产生,但就是无法正常访问外网。