nokeedev / gradle-native

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Apple M1 not support? #599

Open Kseoni4 opened 2 years ago

Kseoni4 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I worked in my MacBook Air M1, macOS Monterey 12.3 and try to build gradle project with JDK 17 aarch64, Nokee version '0.5.0-930919a0' and I was always get this:

java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError (no error message)
> Unsupported architecture of name 'aarch64'

or with stacktrace:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not initialize class dev.nokee.runtime.nativebase.internal.DefaultMachineArchitecture

* Exception is:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class dev.nokee.runtime.nativebase.internal.DefaultMachineArchitecture
    at dev.nokee.platform.jni.internal.JniLibraryComponentInternal.<init>(
    at dev.nokee.platform.jni.internal.plugins.JniLibraryPlugin.lambda$javaNativeInterfaceLibrary$47(
    at dev.nokee.internal.Factories$ComposeFactory.create(
    at dev.nokee.internal.Factories$MemoizeFactory.create(
    at dev.nokee.internal.Factories$FactoryAsSupplier.get(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.registry.SupplyingModelProjection.get(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelNode$Projections.get(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelNode.lambda$get$0(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelNodeContext.execute(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelNode.get(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelNode.get(
    at dev.nokee.platform.nativebase.internal.plugins.NativeComponentBasePlugin.lambda$configureUsingProjection$2(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelActions$ExecuteUsingProjectionModelAction.execute(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelActions$MatchingModelAction.execute(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.registry.DefaultModelRegistry$NodeStateListener.notify(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.registry.DefaultModelRegistry$NodeStateListener.realized(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.core.ModelNode.realize(
    at dev.nokee.model.internal.registry.ModelNodeBackedProvider.get(
    at dev.nokee.platform.jni.internal.plugins.JniLibraryPlugin.registerExtension(
    at dev.nokee.platform.jni.internal.plugins.JniLibraryPlugin.apply(
    at dev.nokee.platform.jni.internal.plugins.JniLibraryPlugin.apply(

Does nokee dev have support for M1? Or am I doing something wrong?

lacasseio commented 2 years ago

It should support M1, we have some users that builds for M1. You may need to use one of the latest nightly, e.g. 0.4.1571-202202231222.5a38a0dd. The NoClassDefFoundError seems to point to different Nokee versions used. Make sure you align the version using:

   resolutionStrategy {
      eachPlugin {
         if ('dev.nokee.')) {

If you can share your project, I can have a quick look to see what may be the issue.

s3r637 commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, I have the same issue.

@Kseoni4, could you fix this issue on your side? Do you have any advice? @lacasseio, is there a way to list the nightly builds? I can't figure out what the latest build is. In the meantime I found this It doesn't work with the latest build either.

I'm using the JNI library and C++ Language plugins. It works on other architectures (x86-64) and operating systems (Ubuntu/MacOS).


lacasseio commented 1 year ago

Do you have a specific mock-up project? I can look into adding a sample for that specific case.

s3r637 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately I don't have a mock-up project. But it looks like our project doesn't support the M1 yet. Just a configuration issue on my end I assume.