nokia / RED

RED - Robot Editor
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Unable to install red plugin using feature zip file in office network without proxy #380

Open ravimuduthana opened 4 years ago

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

I am getting error as requires osgi.bundles; 0.0.0 but ut could not be found If i configure proxy settings in eclipse it is working fine,but as per policies we are not supposed to use proxy,how do i install without prixy using zip file,please let me know

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: RED - Robot Editor ( Missing requirement: RED Robot Editor (org.robotframework.ide.eclipse.main.plugin requires 'osgi.bundle; 0.0.0' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency: From: RED - Robot Editor ( To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; org.robotframework.ide.eclipse.main.plugin [,]

michalanglart commented 4 years ago


what is the version of eclipse in which you're installing RED?

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago


michalanglart commented 4 years ago

The problem you're experiencing occurs because RED requires some plugins from Eclipse e4 Tools Developer Resources feature. This feature is available on standard eclipse update sites ( and so normally when there is connectivity eclipse will find it and install when installing RED.

In the past (couple years ago) those plugins were bundled together with RED feature but this created many versions mismatch problems because many times users have this feature already installed in their eclipse instance, so it was highly likely that the bundled plugins had conflicting version with the plugins already installed, so we dropped it.

I think there are couple options: 1) use RED product 2) you somehow obtain your eclipse with software you need, so in this step you would need to add extra step to install before-mentioned feature 3) set up local mirror of eclipse update site and use it instead - see hints from here:

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your response,let me try with option 1,I downloaded red product file,how do i install it in eclipse,i am not able to unzip it/not able to see contents of this file

michalanglart commented 4 years ago

You cannot install RED product in already existing eclipse instance. RED product is a standalone application which is basically eclipse + RED feature already installed in it.

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

ok.thank you.trying with option 2... I am trying to download the files from the website you mentioned- here 2 directory folders(R-4.12-201906051800,signed-R-4.12-201906051800) and few jar files.Which one i need to download and install in eclipse,i able to download the jar but cannot install in eclipse and i am unable to download the directory. Capture

michalanglart commented 4 years ago

I don't know in which jar this feature is located. What I mean by point (2) is that once you download eclipse you should install this feature in it using eclipse mechanism for plugins installation.

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

We cannot use eclipse machanism for plugin installation since it is blocked due to policy violations in office network,could you please suggest the required jar file or directory

michalanglart commented 4 years ago

I don't know which jar is needed and moreover probably it's not sufficient to just copy and paste them to make everything work.

I don't how I can help - I'm not familiar with environment and policies in your office networks. I gave you all the needed informations and gave couple of solutions which may be helpful. If it is blocked then you may want to contact administrators of your network. Maybe creating eclipse update site mirror in office network would be a way to go. BTW do I understand correctly that downloading eclipse from do not violate the policy while downloading some jars from the same source under eclipse violates it?

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

Problem here is in install new software window no url will work,beacuse of office network restrictions and can i get your contact number please if possible

ravimuduthana commented 4 years ago

How do i install RED product .deb file in windows platform

michalanglart commented 4 years ago

You can't. The .deb file is an installation package for Debian-based linux distributions.