nokia / kong-oidc

OIDC plugin for Kong
Apache License 2.0
455 stars 320 forks source link

not showing in the plugins list #207

Open vincentmarkcelino opened 2 years ago

vincentmarkcelino commented 2 years ago

I just installed the kong-oidc and add the plugins through configuration file. but it doesnt show up in the plugin list. can someone guide me the proper way of adding it to kong?

MaximePinto commented 2 years ago

hello, Add it with the curl command, visible in the doc (taking care to replace the ${} ) :) documentation

curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins \ -d name=oidc \ -d config.client_id=kong \ -d config.client_secret= ${CLIENT_SECRET} \ -d config.bearer_only=yes \ -d config.realm= ${REALM} \ -d config.introspection_endpoint=http:// ${HOST_IP} :8180/realms/ ${REALM} /protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect \ -d config.discovery =http:// ${HOST_IP} :8180/auth/realms/ ${REALM} /.well-known/openid-configuration \ | python -mjson.tool

If with python -mjson.tool it doesn't work try python3 -mjson.tool