nokyan / resources

Keep an eye on system resources
GNU General Public License v3.0
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App can't access theme icon from system folder #55

Open meybonomme opened 8 months ago

meybonomme commented 8 months ago

App can't access theme icon from system folder, only from user folder.

When I put net.nokyan.Resources.svg icons to the /usr/share/icons/Papirus folder they won't accessible. After logout and login app will still using original icon, but not right icon from active icon theme.

When I put same icons to the /home/meybo/.local/share/icons/Papirus folder, then app will display correct Papirus theme icon.

I want to also thank You for this fantastic system monitor app! This is much better, nicer and more functional than Gnome default system monitor app.

nokyan commented 8 months ago

Hi, thanks for raising this issue. I don't use icon themes, I'll have to look into that.

nokyan commented 8 months ago

Hi again, I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand the problem. Is the problem that you're trying to install a custom icon for Resources itself or that Resources doesn't show custom icons in its Applications view? Because the latter works for me in a Fedora VM with the Papirus theme.

meybonomme commented 8 months ago

Hi and sorry for the late reply.

Yes, I'm trying to install custom icon for Resources, with renaming existing icon to net.nokyan.Resources.svg, because Papirus icon theme won't have right icon to Resources right know. App will show custom icons everywhere if I put these to the .local/share/icons/Papirus folder. Did You get it work also with custom icons in system folder?