nol13 / fuzzball.js

Easy to use and powerful fuzzy string matching, port of fuzzywuzzy.
MIT License
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make the code work in fully strict mode #6

Closed fruch closed 6 years ago

nol13 commented 6 years ago

thank you!

is there any reason the let's in fbdifflib can't be var's though? (for ancient browser support)

fruch commented 6 years ago

should close #5 (that I've opend, before submitting this PR)

fruch commented 6 years ago

is a new version pushed automatically to npm ? or it's a manual process ?

fruch commented 6 years ago

and thanks for the quick response. (amazing to see once again how opensource is moving faster then most closed source projects I know)

nol13 commented 6 years ago

Just published, thanks again. Currently is manual push to npm.

Is easy when you do all the work :P