nolanlawson / SuperSaiyanScrollView

Super-fast, super-lightweight sectioned lists for Android
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Created examples/countries-recyclerview, enhancements to scrollingbar #13

Open vit001 opened 9 years ago

vit001 commented 9 years ago

I created a new class I created a new demo examples/countries-recyclerview.

I added the following enhancements to compared to 1) scrollbar fades in, in addition to fading out. 2) when dragging scrollbar, scrolling is smooth (does not snap to each item, but instead items can scroll in/out of view smoothly). 3) Scrollbar doesn't jump position when going from fast scroll to normal scroll.

Sorry - Android Studio somehow modified the project structure - you may want to extract only the relevant files and merge yourself. The relevant files are: 1), 2) examples\countries-recyclerview\src\main\java\com\example\example1\, 3) examples\countries-recyclerview\src\main\res\layout\activity_main.xml. In addition, the following gradle dependency is needed for RecyclerView: compile ""

nolanlawson commented 9 years ago

I'll try to merge this soon. It would be better if Android Studio didn't change the project structure, though. Also, do you have some suggestions for how to modify the README to explain how to use this thing?

vit001 commented 9 years ago

If it's too much hassle and you are interested in going ahead with the merge, I can try to go back and fix the project structure. I'll update the README.

vit001 commented 9 years ago

OK - please see the new pull request. It has correct structure and an addition to README.