nolanlawson / SuperSaiyanScrollView

Super-fast, super-lightweight sectioned lists for Android
80 stars 19 forks source link

Error when populating listview dynamically (via Internet). Sectionizer tries to sectionize list rows when none of the list items are loaded yet. #18

Open TheAksh opened 8 years ago

TheAksh commented 8 years ago

Please help me out. TIA :)

If I sectionize ONLY after the entire listview is populated dynamically, then the library gives me an error :

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: sectionizer cannot be null! Did you remember to call setSectionizer() or setMultipleSectionizer()?

If I sectionize before the listview is populated dynamically with a random temporary value and resectionize after the listview is populated dynamically , then too I get the error :

Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0 at com.nolanlawson.supersaiyan.SectionedListAdapter.isEnabled( at com.felipecsl.quickreturn.library.widget.QuickReturnAdapter.isEnabled( at android.widget.ListView.lookForSelectablePosition( at android.widget.ListView.setAdapter( at akshapps.testinglistview.MainActivity.onCreate(

nolanlawson commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I don't really remember this library very well, nor was I wise enough to write tests for it. :/ Maybe the issue is that you can only sectionize once? I'm pretty sure I don't allow you to dynamically resectionize. I.e. you can only call setSectionizer() once IIRC. Sorry I can't provide many more details than that.