Score: 5/5 - nothing missing, all projects/tasks completed before due date.
[x] 1. Attendence: I have attended every single class except Friday 1/7/21. The reason for this absence was due to unforeseen COVID-19 issues within my family and I was not able to attend that day. Regardless, my code and assignments for the week were already completed many days prior. Moreover, and also very surprising, I have been on time and (sometimes) early to every class this week. 1/1
[x] 2. About Page: My about page is professional, concise, and includes all necessary requirements (including all FRQs from each week with runtime result/output). My about page can be seen here. 1/1 - I should try to include input for some FRQs
[x] 3. Individual Analytics: I have 36 commits and 5,511 lines total, as can be seen on the team insight graphs here. Each commit is useful and not repetitive. I ensure each commit has meaningful contributions rather than committing every little change to increase my commit number. 1/1 - try to focus on having red + green
[x] 4. Team Runtime: So far, our website has been deployed and online 24/7 (with regard to when we push updates) and always available for Mr. Mortensen to review or other students and the general public. I created a cronjob on the Ubuntu machine to automatically update the website every couple hours, pulling from GitHub. The total time it takes for the system to automatically pull from GitHub and reboot Spring takes around 15-20 seconds, with no human intervention required. 1/1
[x] 5. Team Analytics/Tangibles: All analytics and tangibles are easily retrievable by anyone - nothing is private. My scrum board tasks can be seen here, my scrum board here, and my commit list here. 1/1
Score: 5/5 - nothing missing, all projects/tasks completed before due date.