noloader / cryptopp-pem

PEM parsing of keys and parameters for Crypto++ project
38 stars 31 forks source link fails on recent Mozilla root certificates (as of Apr 26 2022) #15

Closed chazzmcdaniels closed 2 years ago

chazzmcdaniels commented 2 years ago

The script downloads the most recent Mozilla root certificates from As of Apr 26 2022 (or maybe before that) these certificates cause the to fail in X509Certificate::GetSubjectKeyUsage().

Load root certificates from Mozilla
Assertion failed: x509cert.cpp(1854): GetSubjectKeyUsage
./ line 30: 45335 Trace/breakpoint trap   (core dumped) ./pem_test.exe
Failed to execute pem_test.exe

The CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(values.size() == 1) fails here as some of the certificates give a values.size() of 2 after BERDecodeBitString(store, values, unused). Output of some custom debugging output:

serial number: 4151900041497450638097112925.
    values.size(): 2, unused: 7
        values[0]: 00000110
        values[1]: 00000000
noloader commented 2 years ago

The CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(values.size() == 1) fails here as some of the certificates give a values.size() of 2 after BERDecodeBitString(store, values, unused).

It sounds like there's an invalid certificate in the bundle. (That assumes the code does not have a bug and the standard did not change).

Can you provide the certificate, please?

chazzmcdaniels commented 2 years ago

There are two certificates that make the assertion fail:

Trustwave Global ECC P256 Certification Authority

Trustwave Global ECC P384 Certification Authority
noloader commented 2 years ago

Thanks @chazzmcdaniels,

That's perfect. It is a malformed certificate. I reported it to the cURL team.

To verify, I saved the first certificate to truestwave-1.pem. Then:

$ openssl x509 -in trustwave-1.pem -inform PEM -out trustwave-1.der -outform DER
$ dumpasn1 trustwave-1.der
  0 608: SEQUENCE {
  4 519:   SEQUENCE {
  8   3:     [0] {
 10   1:       INTEGER 2
       :       }
 13  12:     INTEGER 0D 6A 5F 08 3F 28 5C 3E 51 95 DF 5D
 27  10:     SEQUENCE {
 29   8:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA256 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 2)
       :       }
 39 145:     SEQUENCE {
 42  11:       SET {
 44   9:         SEQUENCE {
 46   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 51   2:           PrintableString 'US'
       :           }
       :         }
 55  17:       SET {
 57  15:         SEQUENCE {
 59   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER stateOrProvinceName (2 5 4 8)
 64   8:           PrintableString 'Illinois'
       :           }
       :         }
 74  16:       SET {
 76  14:         SEQUENCE {
 78   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER localityName (2 5 4 7)
 83   7:           PrintableString 'Chicago'
       :           }
       :         }
 92  33:       SET {
 94  31:         SEQUENCE {
 96   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
101  24:           PrintableString 'Trustwave Holdings, Inc.'
       :           }
       :         }
127  58:       SET {
129  56:         SEQUENCE {
131   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
136  49:           PrintableString
       :             'Trustwave Global ECC P256 Certification Authorit'
       :             'y'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
187  30:     SEQUENCE {
189  13:       UTCTime 23/08/2017 19:35:10 GMT
204  13:       UTCTime 23/08/2042 19:35:10 GMT
       :       }
219 145:     SEQUENCE {
222  11:       SET {
224   9:         SEQUENCE {
226   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
231   2:           PrintableString 'US'
       :           }
       :         }
235  17:       SET {
237  15:         SEQUENCE {
239   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER stateOrProvinceName (2 5 4 8)
244   8:           PrintableString 'Illinois'
       :           }
       :         }
254  16:       SET {
256  14:         SEQUENCE {
258   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER localityName (2 5 4 7)
263   7:           PrintableString 'Chicago'
       :           }
       :         }
272  33:       SET {
274  31:         SEQUENCE {
276   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
281  24:           PrintableString 'Trustwave Holdings, Inc.'
       :           }
       :         }
307  58:       SET {
309  56:         SEQUENCE {
311   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
316  49:           PrintableString
       :             'Trustwave Global ECC P256 Certification Authorit'
       :             'y'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
367  89:     SEQUENCE {
369  19:       SEQUENCE {
371   7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
380   8:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
       :         }
390  66:       BIT STRING
       :         04 7E FB 6C E6 23 E3 73 32 08 CA 60 E6 53 9C BA
       :         74 8D 18 B0 78 90 52 80 DD 38 C0 4A 1D D1 A8 CC
       :         93 A4 97 06 38 CA 0D 15 62 C6 8E 01 2A 65 9D AA
       :         DF 34 91 2E 81 C1 E4 33 92 31 C4 FD 09 3A A6 3F
       :         AD
       :       }
458  67:     [3] {
460  65:       SEQUENCE {
462  15:         SEQUENCE {
464   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
469   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
472   5:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
474   3:             SEQUENCE {
476   1:               BOOLEAN TRUE
       :               }
       :             }
       :           }
479  15:         SEQUENCE {
481   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
486   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
489   5:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
491   3:             BIT STRING 7 unused bits
       :               '001100000'B
       :               Error: Spurious zero bits in bitstring.
       :             }
       :           }
496  29:         SEQUENCE {
498   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
503  22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
505  20:             OCTET STRING
       :               A3 41 06 AC 90 6D D1 4A EB 75 A5 4A 10 99 B3 B1
       :               A1 8B 4A F7
       :             }
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
       :     }
527  10:   SEQUENCE {
529   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA256 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 2)
       :     }
539  71:   BIT STRING, encapsulates {
542  68:     SEQUENCE {
544  32:       INTEGER
       :         07 E6 54 DA 0E A0 5A B2 AE 11 9F 87 C5 B6 FF 69
       :         DE 25 BE F8 A0 B7 08 F3 44 CE 2A DF 08 21 0C 37
578  32:       INTEGER
       :         2D 26 03 A0 05 BD 6B D1 F6 5C F8 65 CC 86 6D B3
       :         9C 34 48 63 84 09 C5 8D 77 1A E2 CC 9C E1 74 7B
       :       }
       :     }
       :   }

0 warnings, 1 error.
chazzmcdaniels commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the quick replies. I fed the certificates through several online PEM decoders and Java Keystore Explorer but none of them complained. I should have checked with OpenSSL as well. I hope you don't mind that I doubted the cryptopp-pem code. You would think that Mozilla would get the certificates right. Thanks again.

noloader commented 2 years ago

No problems @chazzmcdaniels,

I reported it to curl-users mailing list (due to cacret.pem) and Mozilla's dev-security-policy mailing list (the source of cacert.pem).

Let's see where things go.

noloader commented 2 years ago

Thanks again @chazzmcdaniels,

It looks like you found a bug missed by most x509 linters. Good job.

Also see Malformed Trustwave certificates in Mozilla's ca cert collection on Mozilla's dev-security-policy mailing list.

noloader commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed at Commit aac70de16f29. The certificates will still assert in Debug builds, but the certificates will be handled properly in all builds.