noloop / cl-minify-css

To minify css with common lisp.
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License question #4

Open smpaley opened 3 years ago

smpaley commented 3 years ago

Hi, what license is this code released under? I see reference to GPLv3 in the README, but it's hard to tell if the package itself is released under GPLv3 or if that's just an example use. I am not permitted to incorporate GPL code into my system, so that is why I am asking.

noloop commented 3 years ago

Hi, It's Licensed with GPLv3. Why can not?

smpaley commented 3 years ago

Because according to the terms of GPL, any code that it is incorporated into must also be released using GPL, which my employer is not willing to do. Thanks anyway.

noloop commented 3 years ago

What license you pretend publish your system? If is open source, I can open one exception and you can use this under MIT or similar.

smpaley commented 3 years ago

I suspect that unless you're willing to make it available under MIT or similar in general, I'm not sure why you'd make an exception for us (of course I'd be grateful if you did, but I want to be respectful of your work). We are a large system with our own customized licenses (see, and while we do provide source code to our licensees upon request, we're probably not what you would consider true open-source. We do not permit redistribution of our software, for example, and I am not at liberty to make any changes to our terms. But your system looks useful, so I thought I would ask.

noloop commented 3 years ago

So, If you says one LICENSE that you can use my system and if you change my code you need share this, but at same that you can this use this how to need. And of course if I can put here in the that you be using my system. I open this exception for you.