Due to the anticipated influx of new tokens expected to be listed on Nolus, we need to implement a filtering mechanism that allows users to filter assets by integrated networks. This feature should ensure that only relevant protocols and assets are displayed based on the selected network. For instance, if a user selects Osmosis, they should only see protocols from Osmosis, such as Osmosis-Osmosis-USDCaxl, Osmosis-Osmosis-USDC_Noble, Osmosis-Osmosis-stATOM, etc.
Filter Implementation:
Add a network filter option allowing users to select integrated networks.
Ensure the following tables are filtered based on the selected network:
Portfolio overview on Dashboard
Assets list on Dashboard
Asset Transfer on Dashboard
Lease Down Payment Currencies
Assets to Lease
Earning Assets
Claim Rewards
Split Configurations for Networks:
Split downpayment and swap-fee configurations for assets available on multiple networks to ensure that assets on different networks can have separate downpayment and swap-fee settings.
Swap Configurations
Swap configuration also needs to be separate based on the filtered network. For example blacklist, slippage, swap_currency, swap_to_currency, gas_multiplier, fee, etc. needs to configured separately.
Due to the anticipated influx of new tokens expected to be listed on Nolus, we need to implement a filtering mechanism that allows users to filter assets by integrated networks. This feature should ensure that only relevant protocols and assets are displayed based on the selected network. For instance, if a user selects Osmosis, they should only see protocols from Osmosis, such as Osmosis-Osmosis-USDCaxl, Osmosis-Osmosis-USDC_Noble, Osmosis-Osmosis-stATOM, etc.
Filter Implementation:
Split Configurations for Networks:
Swap Configurations
Dropdown Preview Desktop: https://www.figma.com/design/dUbyvg5tejjYPVf69Haixv/Protocol-Webapp?node-id=12-817&m=dev Dropdown Preview Mobile: https://www.figma.com/design/dUbyvg5tejjYPVf69Haixv/Protocol-Webapp?node-id=98-3261&m=dev