nomad-coe / simulation-parsers

Apache License 2.0
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Adapt new plugin structure #4

Open JosePizarro3 opened 1 month ago

JosePizarro3 commented 1 month ago

@ladinesa would you mind adapting the new plugin structure?

I would also like to request if we can rename the repo and the package to follow more the style I mentioned in the data repo: i.e., we call the repo "nomad-simulation-parsers" and the package is called "nomad_simulation_parsers".

We have to decide about the folder structure, but I'd go with the src thingy (then we will have src/nomad_simulation_parsers/... instead of simulationparsers).

Furthermore, can we change the content of the pyproject.toml to have:

requires = ["setuptools>=61.0.0", "setuptools-scm>=8.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = 'simulationparsers'
version = '1.1'
description = 'Collection of NOMAD parsers for simulation codes.'
readme = ""
authors = [
    { name = "Alvin Noe Ladines", email = "" },
    { name = "Jose M. Pizarro", email = "" },
maintainers = [
    { name = "Alvin Noe Ladines", email = "" },
    { name = "Jose M. Pizarro", email = "" },
license = { file = "LICENSE" }
requires-python = ">=3.9"
dependencies = [

"Homepage" = ""
"Bug Tracker" = ""

dev = [
    'pytest>= 5.3.0, < 6.0.0',

where = [

include = ["simulationparsers/*.py", "tests/*.py"] = [
    "E", # pycodestyle
    "W", # pycodestyle
    "PL", # pylint
lint.ignore = [
    "E501", # Line too long ({width} > {limit} characters)
    "E701", # Multiple statements on one line (colon)
    "E731", # Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
    "E402",  # Module level import not at top of file
    "PLR0911", # Too many return statements
    "PLR0912", # Too many branches
    "PLR0913", # Too many arguments in function definition
    "PLR0915", # Too many statements
    "PLR2004", # Magic value used instead of constant
    "PLW0603", # Using the global statement
    "PLW2901", # redefined-loop-name
    "PLR1714", # consider-using-in
    "PLR5501", # else-if-used
lint.fixable = ["ALL"]

# Same as Black.
line-length = 88
indent-width = 4

# use single quotes for strings.
quote-style = "single"

# indent with spaces, rather than tabs.
indent-style = "space"

# Like Black, respect magic trailing commas.
skip-magic-trailing-comma = false

# Like Black, automatically detect the appropriate line ending.
line-ending = "auto"

simulationparsers = ['*/metadata.yaml', '*/']

Adapting the proper paths? I am happy to discuss this.

And the other points! Let me know what you think 🙂

JosePizarro3 commented 1 month ago

Also, I am not sure why we have testing here. Is only for the utils? If so, I will delete it and move the utils to a specialized repo, nomad-simulation-utils. I will not bother on creating a specific for schemas and another for parsers atm.

ladinesa commented 1 month ago

sure i am ok with both. I am not familiar with the new structure tbh. Is it possible for you to make the restructuring?