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add PLimaging #5

Open RoteKekse opened 1 month ago

RoteKekse commented 1 month ago


spectroscopy or scan or imaging?



felix-laufer commented 1 month ago

long_pass_filter excitation_source [laser/LED] pixel_size

RoteKekse commented 1 month ago

calling pixel_size image_pixel_length to be not confused with the size of a solar cell pixel

RoteKekse commented 1 month ago

add details on camera

RoteKekse commented 1 month ago

optical_filter -> material entity long_pass_filter-> child of optical filter filter as quality to filter specific wavelength filter has position in front of source or in front of camera can have multiple filters for one image

RoteKekse commented 1 month ago

@AsaphHall So PLI has qualities:

and has participant some:

and has participant:

can you add it and share a picture of the graph in the ontology?

AsaphHall commented 1 month ago


First visualisation of pl imaging

RoteKekse commented 1 month ago

THanks looks really nice

Please do changes and share image again :) thanks

AsaphHall commented 1 month ago
  1. Added relation 'has input' some 'photovoltaic device' to PL imaging.
  2. Done.
  3. There is a PATO class 'position' which i choose to be the parent class of 'position of filter'. 'Long pass filter' is a subclass of optical filter. The participant 'long pass filter' has been removed in favour of optical filter.
  4. Done.
  5. An 'image' as output is inherited from imaging assay. Ill adapt the picture.


RoteKekse commented 1 month ago
RoteKekse commented 1 month ago

ok cool then pls make a merge request and then we can update :)