nomeata / incredible

The Incredible Proof Machine
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Did I find a better solution for session 5, puzzle 9: 12 instead of 13? #134

Closed yeputons closed 2 years ago

yeputons commented 2 years ago

The puzzle asks us to prove (A->B)->False |- A & (B->False).

My solution is to split via TND on A & (B -> False) and deal with the non-obvious branch (on the bottom) by deducing A->B and applying it to the only axiom we have. The unusual trick is even though there is A & (B -> False) in the middle of the scheme, it's only used to deduce False so we can feed it into the blocks after. That way both A -> False and B cases are handled in the same branch.


My previous solution had 15 blocks and it split on A first, then on B, which resulted in a very simply A & (B -> False) in the middle, but almost identical branches on the sides. So I decided to merge them together.