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Update LazyMan URLs. #29

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Fixes MLB postseason streams and aligns both URLs with latest desktop release.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I believe so but I haven’t tried it without the hosts edits. My understanding is that the LazyMan URLs are used to retrieve an m3u8 which contains a video element pointing to the MLB/NHL steaming service (and as such the hosts edits are still required... but that part I’m not entirely clear as to why). I can’t explain why the sub domain was dropped but there has been an update pushed to the desktop client in the last 12 hours or so that seems to do the same thing (no source code to review yet to see if that is 100% accurate). I thought it was interesting that the request url for the nhl service was pointing directly to nhl servers, but then realized that if this is running from a machine with proper hosts edits, it’s going to go redirect to lazyman anyway. Hope this helps.

Edit: This adjustment was working yesterday but I’m now seeing “No Content" when trying to load the nhl list (mlb loads fine). It looks like there might be some further changes happening behind the scenes. Desktop client seems to be loading everything up fine but I’ll need to investigate further as to why the error is occurring here. On the plus side (sort of), I’m seeing this issue on multiple versions of the plugin so I don’t think the url adjustment is to blame... just need to figure out what it should be going forward.

nomego commented 6 years ago

According to we should now follow which says the IP for the hosts file is the one where is hosted at.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I just saw the new url over on reddit right as you posted your last comment. I'll update my PR to reflect the new address. Haven't tested it yet so hopefully that's why.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Tested with the updated URL but unfortunately the issue from #30 is still occurring. I'm guessing something changed with the nhl stats/schedule api site. Haven't had a chance to browse through the updated desktop source to see how they are working around this. If I don't find it in the next 15 minutes I probably won't be able to get to it until tomorrow sometime. Again, (and I could be wrong here but) I don't think it's related to the url stuff (although I'm glad we're working on updating it) as the error is occurring before the plugin ever reaches out to Lazyman servers for the m3u8.

nomego commented 6 years ago

Well the stats api error from #30 should be fixed with my last commit about 45 minutes ago.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Right... sorry. Hadn’t rolled your latest commit in before I tested. Hopefully the combination of your fixes and the url updates make everything happy again!

ghost commented 6 years ago

I have verified that your fixes and the url edits from my PR seem to be working nicely. Tested a live game and recap from each sport. No issues to report. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see before merging.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I also looked into your question about whether or not the hosts files need to be edited and it appears that it is still required. I did a simple comment out of the entries in my hosts file and streams failed (and then re-enabled to have them start up again). Maybe something to look into further a little bit later on but until then the edits in this PR have been tested and seem to be working fine with the recommended system configuration.

nomego commented 6 years ago

Great, thanks!