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Loading feed forever #34

Open lesourcil opened 6 years ago

lesourcil commented 6 years ago

Hi, i'm using Plex in a jail on my Freenas server. I've installed the plugin and modified my hosts file but for whatever reason, the feeds just keep loading forever.

I'm attaching a log.

If i can help sort this out, let me know.
It could be a right issue. com.plexapp.plugins.lazyman.log

nomego commented 6 years ago

Looks ok, what client? If your nas is powerful enough try turning direct play and direct streaming off.

lesourcil commented 6 years ago

I've tried the Web app, Rasplex and Android Plex and they all do the same. I'll try tonight to disable direct play and direct streaming and I'll report back.

lesourcil commented 6 years ago

Update 1 If I disable direct streaming and direct play, recap games do not work anymore but they work when direct play and direct play are on.

lesourcil commented 6 years ago

Update 2 I have the same behaviour with direct streaming and direct play off on the web app.

Seems like the transcoding never start. What should I look for in the logs for the transcoding part?

nomego commented 6 years ago

Well then it seems like you haven't properly edited the hosts file on the freenas. Otherwise I don't know.

nomego commented 6 years ago

Still an issue?

lesourcil commented 5 years ago

Yup still an issue

HocEman commented 5 years ago

I was having an issue with the live streams as well, turns out the IP addresses changed a few months ago and I will still pointing to the old ones. I am running Plex as a docker in Unraid, so I have to edit the hosts file on the Unraid server itself. Live streaming was working again last night, once I updated the IPs correctly, following this:

lesourcil commented 5 years ago

Thx. I'll give it a try tonight

Just to add more info I'm using plex in a jail on Freenas

lesourcil commented 5 years ago

I've changed my hosts file and i still have the same problem.

lesourcil commented 5 years ago

I see that when i start a video feed. A folder is created and the transcoder start transcoding stuff. I'm using the web client on chrome. Is it not suppose to Direct Play ?

Also i get these lines in my Plex Media Server.log

Ignoring client [f8284zjbnrok3jbmgbf7bu13] reporting timeline state buffering: metadata item 61385103 no longer exists Oct 15, 2018 22:14:55.761 [0x814ee5c00] WARN - Ignoring client [f8284zjbnrok3jbmgbf7bu13] reporting timeline state buffering: metadata item 61385103 no longer exists Oct 15, 2018 22:15:05.765 [0x814ee5c00] WARN - Ignoring client [f8284zjbnrok3jbmgbf7bu13] reporting timeline state buffering: metadata item 61385103 no longer exists Oct 15, 2018 22:15:15.763 [0x80c68f000] WARN - Ignoring client [f8284zjbnrok3jbmgbf7bu13] reporting timeline state buffering: metadata item 61385103 no longer exists Oct 15, 2018 22:15:25.764 [0x814ee5c00] WARN - Ignoring client [f8284zjbnrok3jbmgbf7bu13] reporting timeline state buffering: metadata item 61385103 no longer exist

lesourcil commented 5 years ago

Adding more info.

In my logs on RasPlex, i see this

`21:37:08 T:1559745504 DEBUG: ffmpeg[5CF7D3E0]: [hls,applehttp] HLS request for url '*~id=nhlGatewayId:8428556~data=61405203~hmac=24c38ee60c08fd1a4eea7692fff312b613f513c9e878f63dff7ee4b94809183d/207115c286cebf91db4dacd41403319a/ls03/nhl/2018/10/16/NHL_GAME_VIDEO_FLAPHI_M2_HOME_20181016_1538159935366/5600K/01/36/38.ts', offset 0, playlist 0

21:37:08 T:1559745504 DEBUG: ffmpeg[5CF7D3E0]: [https] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header. 21:37:08 T:1559745504 DEBUG: ffmpeg[5CF7D3E0]: [https] HTTP error 400 Bad Request 21:37:08 T:1559745504 ERROR: ffmpeg[5CF7D3E0]: Unable to open key file

21:37:08 T:1559745504 DEBUG: ffmpeg[5CF7D3E0]: [http] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header. 21:37:08 T:1963153296 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------ 21:37:09 T:1850733536 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - << Recorder 1 (1) -> TV (0): POLL 21:37:09 T:1850733536 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - << 10 21:37:09 T:1850733536 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times. 21:37:09 T:1850733536 DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> POLL not sent 21:37:09 T:1559745504 ERROR: ffmpeg[5CF7D3E0]: [hls,applehttp] Error when loading first segment '*~id=nhlGatewayId:8428556~data=61405203~hmac=24c38ee60c08fd1a4eea7692fff312b613f513c9e878f63dff7ee4b94809183d/207115c286cebf91db4dacd41403319a/ls03/nhl/2018/10/16/NHL_GAME_VIDEO_FLAPHI_M2_HOME_20181016_1538159935366/5600K/22/00/20.ts'

21:37:09 T:1559745504 DEBUG: Error, could not open file*~id=nhlGatewayId:8428556~data=61405203~hmac=24c38ee60c08fd1a4eea7692fff312b613f513c9e878f63dff7ee4b94809183d/207115c286cebf91db4dacd41403319a/ls03/nhl/2018/10/16/NHL_GAME_VIDEO_FLAPHI_M2_HOME_20181016_1538159935366/5600K/5600_complete.m3u8

21:37:09 T:1559745504 ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer`