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Plex Transcoder crash when trying to load stream #35

Open nickk024 opened 6 years ago

nickk024 commented 6 years ago


Was hoping someone had some insight. I am trying to use the Lazyman bundle for plex, latest version of media server, and I am unable to get streams to start, including the replay games. I have attached a log as an example. All I can see is that the Plex Transcoder crashes with an Illegal Instruction for some reason, but am unsure where to go from here in terms of troubleshooting. Thanks.

PMS Log Lazyman Streaming.txt

cowmix88 commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue as well with Plex Media Server

Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.522 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.lazyman] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /video/lazyman/:/function/StreamMetadata?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKNApzMTAKMjAxNy0xMS0xMHM0CmRhdGVpMjAxNzAyMDI0NwpzNgpnYW1laWRzOAo1NDM5MjMwM3M3Cm1lZGlhSWRzMwpuaGxzNQpzcG9ydHIwCg__&includeBandwidths=1
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.522 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - (Capabilties) Passing down capabilities of 'protocols=http-streaming-video' to plug-in.
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.523 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.560 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - HTTP 200 response from GET
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.561 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.lazyman] HTTP reply status 200, with 11385 bytes of content.
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.566 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - Found session GUID of rtpfuzexqnddatoxe24jmt7b in session start.
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.566 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - Cleaning directory for session rtpfuzexqnddatoxe24jmt7b ()
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.567 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - Starting a transcode session rtpfuzexqnddatoxe24jmt7b at offset -1.0 (state=3)
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.573 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - TPU: hardware transcoding: zero-copy support not present
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:07.577 [0x7f074ebfe700] DEBUG - Job running: EAE_ROOT='/tmp/pms-19388300-db39-4dd4-bf22-869065412d70/EasyAudioEncoder' FFMPEG_EXTERNAL_LIBS='/var/lib/plex/Plex\ Media\ Server/Codecs/a10855e-1258-linux-ubuntu-x86_64/' XDG_CACHE_HOME='/var/lib/plex/Plex Media Server/Cache/' XDG_DATA_HOME='/opt/plexmediaserver/Resources/' X_PLEX_TOKEN='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' '/opt/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder' '-codec:V:0' 'h264' '-codec:a:0' 'aac' '-i' '*~id=nhlGatewayId:7294414~data=54392303~hmac=b3302fac5e42bce4a718775852db62c0810c122e38d5b910c653947eeabb71f3/d08fcc982bd3c5a6d116f5189f7ebf57/ls04/nhl/2017/11/10/NHL_GAME_VIDEO_OTTCOL_M2_HOME_20171110_1510238504699/5600K/5600_complete-trimmed.m3u8' '-filter_complex' '[0:V:0]scale=w=720:h=406[0];[0]format=pix_fmts=yuv420p|nv12[1]' '-map' '[1]' '-codec:0' 'libx264' '-crf:0' '21' '-maxrate:0' '1724k' '-bufsize:0' '3448k' '-preset:0' 'veryfast' '-x264opts:0' 'subme=2:me_range=4:rc_lookahead=20:me=hex' '-force_key_frames:0' 'expr:gte(t,0+n_forced*8)' '-map' '0:a:0' '-codec:1' 'aac' '-ar:1' '96000' '-channel_layout:1' 'stereo' '-b:1' '162k' '-f' 'dash' '-min_seg_duration' '8000000' '-skip_to_segment' '1' '-time_delta' '0.0625' '-manifest_name' '' '-avoid_negative_ts' 'disabled' '-map_metadata' '-1' '-map_chapters' '-1' '-movflags' '+faststart' 'dash' '-start_at_zero' '-copyts' '-vsync' 'cfr' '-y' '-nostats' '-loglevel' 'quiet' '-loglevel_plex' 'error' '-progressurl' ''
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:08.778 [0x7f075bbff700] DEBUG - JobManager: child process killed by signal: 4 (Illegal instruction)
Nov 11, 2017 11:29:08.778 [0x7f075bbff700] DEBUG - Jobs: '/opt/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder' exit code for process 20684 is -4