nomego / Lazyman.bundle

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Working on Desktop Client (Windows) but not Browser (or Xbox One) #47

Open jkathawa opened 6 years ago

jkathawa commented 6 years ago

Just spins eternally on Web App (all browsers) for live games.

Replays work on all, though.

Combed through my log files and noticed that on successful runs with the Desktop app, "DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/lazyman/.." is always followed by "DEBUG (runtime:49) - Received packed state data (80 bytes)"

However, when running through the webclient, the second message (received packed state data) never shows up.

Also, xbox eventually stops, citing: An error occurred trying to play "". shaka1001 (network)

nomego commented 6 years ago

No idea, sorry.

unclenoriega commented 6 years ago

Try updating and running LazyMan on your Plex server or manually updating your hosts file to include the domain.

jkathawa commented 6 years ago

I added the domain to the hosts file but nothing changed.

I discovered something though:

It seems to only work on the desktop client because the hosts file on my windows computer running the desktop client has in it. When I delete this from the windows hosts file, it stops working.

It is still very strange as to why the freenas won't run lazyman plex plugin correclty because the freenas properly pings ...

jkathawa commented 6 years ago

For anyone who stumbles on this and really wants the lazyman plugin to work for plex when using freenas, here is my work-around:

Create a virtual machine and run linux (i did ubuntu). Make another plex server on that and install the lazyman plugin. Make sure to edit hosts file.

Odd that it works in a vm in freenas but not in a jail in freenas... I am not sure how the plugin works, but maybe that is because lazyman original is compatible with linux, mac, and windows, and not necessarily freebsd/freenas...